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"WHAT THE HELL, KIM?" An annoyed brunette snarled glaring at a certain blonde who just bumped into his shoulder resulting in him stumbling onto one of the lockers in the university hallways.

"Oh, hey Jeon didn't see you there?" The blonde greeted innocently with a glint of mischief in his deep hazel eyes.

Scoffing the brunette replied - "Don't 'Hey Jeon' me you asshole. And stop annoying me, Kim. I won't mind giving you a black eye. Though it'll suit you."

"Uh-huh, seems like someone woke up on the wrong side hm?" The blonde cooed wrapping his arms around the latter male's shoulder while walking down the halls.

"Nah just had to see a bitchass's face first thing in the morning" The brunette deadpanned shoving the blonde's hand off his shoulders.

"Oh, in that case, you should cover your mirrors, Jeon." The blonde retorted seemingly satisfied as the brunette huffed annoyed and walked away muttering
curses under his breath.

"Cute," The blonde said to no one as he walked further into the hallways grinning like a fool towards his classes to start with the day.

This was a normal day for the University students to see the two heartthrob's namely ㅡ Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook bickering in the hallways first thing in the morning.

Taehyung getting on Jungkook's nerves every chance he gets and Jungkook cursing the hell out of Taehyung.
Yup, normal. Very normal.

If you asked Taehyung why he liked annoying the younger he would just shrug it off saying 'he's adorable when angry'. And Jungkook....well he would give you a list full of curses dedicated to his lovely Kim.

They 'Hated' each other and considered themselves as 'enemies'.

Despite having the same friend groups Taehyung and Jungkook were always on each other's throats and loved annoying the other.

Whether it may be by putting fake cockroaches and spiders in the other's food and drinks, freaking the other out and resulting in them starving for the rest of the day. Or adding bleach to the laundry softener the other used for his favourite and expensive clothing.

Everyone in the campus knew about the rivalry between the two young men and were not fazed whenever they would pull stupid pranks on each other resulting in a chaotic day for both the students as well as the professors of the University.

But they did, teeny weeny bit cared about the other, though they would rather eat glass than admit to it.

Like that one time when a boy named Jaesuk who had a huge crush on Jungkook and asked him out but was rejected and out of anger and embarrassment called Jungkook a 'whore', though it was not a big deal as he did not mean it but Jungkook felt bad.

He felt really bad. He was already upset that day and everything seems to add more to his already rotten mood.

And he was definitely not feeling down because he didn't see Kim that morning. Nope. Not at all.

Though he acted tough he was a soft hearted babie and did not curse at Taehyung that day which was surprising.

The next day Jaesuk was found dead-
I mean he came in limping, with a broken nose and bruised face and apologised to Jungkook in the University cafeteria in front of everyone.

Though Jungkook was confused but still accepted the apology making poor Jaesuk cry in relief as he was now free from the scary glares he was getting from someone.

No one and I mean no fucking one hurts Taehuyng's baby.


The classes were now over and the students were crowding the hallways, some bitching about their professors while the others just wanting to stuff their mouths with food to prepare themselves to suffer for another 4 hours of the boring lectures.

Jungkook entered the cafeteria walking straight towards their usual table, seeing Jimin trying to wink with both eyes- what? Jin and Namjoon arguing, Hoseok having the time of his life enjoying the drama and Yoongi as usual done with their antics.
Yeah...just them being the dumbasses they are. Nothing new.

"Hey, guys" Jungkook greeted as he plopped on the empty seat. "Heyy, Kookie what's up?" Jimin asked as he finally winked with both eyes after trying for- God knows how long. "Oh..nothing much you know the usual." He shrugged as he took out a box of doughnuts from his bag.

Jungkook's parents owned a
cafe & bakery which was pretty famous in their town and they had a special menu once a week, they made these delicious doughnuts that people were crazy for. And it was no surprise that his friends loved his mom's baking, so he would always bring the specials for them whenever the day would come.

"OH, MY GOD !!!!" ...
" ARE THOSE MRS. JEON'S DOUGHNUTS!!" Jimin sequeled completing Hoseok's sentence. And in a blink, everyone was eyeing the box even Yoongi who was at the verge of dozing of jumped in his seat drooling at the site of the dessert .

Chuckling, Jungkook gave them the box and they started digging in like wild animals starved for days.

Everyone was enjoying and having fun except one. Wait.

"Hey, does anyone of y'all know where Tae is?" The younger asked. " Yea..he said he'll be here in a few, Ms Lee wanted to make some announcement it seems so he'll be late," Namjoon replied with his mouth stuffed and ended up choking, which received him a smack on the head by Jin for talking with his mouth full.

As on cue, Taehyung plopped down besides Jungkook with a huff resting his head on the latters shoulder. As for Jungkook he just lets him because it's normal for them to have skinship. Everyone does with their so called enemies. It's completely normal. Yeah.

But Taehyungs mood was suddenly lifted when his sharp sexy beautiful nose picked a smell of something familiar something very dear to his heart.

"ARE THOSE MAMA'S DOUGHNUTS?!" He yelled startling the others who were yet to know his presence. Yes They call each other's parents as mama and papa. What else to you expect from someone who knows each other since before they were born.

Their parents were best friends since their high school years so these two doofus were pretty 'close'. Their parents would even make them wear same outfits when they were younger.

"Jesus, Tae can you be anymore loud?!" Jungkook abruptly moved away from Tae scrathing his ears.

But Taehyung just ignored him and grabbed a desert from the box but his hand was swatted away by Jungkook and before the younger could open his mouth to speak Tae started whining.

"KOOKS WTH?! you always do this. Let me eat my mama's heavenly food in peace!! Why would yo-" His whining was cut off by Jungkook who stuffed a doughnut into Tae's mouth.

" Those have cinnamon in them you idiot. These are yours, with extra cream" Jungkook said and passed a box of strawberry doughnuts to him.

So Taehyung kind of is allergic to cinnamon and kind of died while scarfing mama's delicious looking cinnamon rolls and Jumgkook maybe KIND OF freaked out that time and kept anything that remotely smelled like cinnamon away from him. Jungkook was absurdly protective of him at that time. cause if anyone's going to be the death of Kim, then it should be jungkook and jungkook only. Period.

"What?! Why does he always get the extra special ones?!" It was hoseok's turn to whine now. "Oh, come on hobi~ you know right these exclusive Tae special doughnuts are specifically made by kookie. So he does not fall ill again?" Jimin chirped, after licking his fingers clean. Can't waste anything, right? 


"Shut up! guys, I just don't want him mopping around again, and he looked extra ugly! yeah ugly when he's all pale and sick." Jungkook says, trying to hide his warm cheeks and avoiding their teasing glances.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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