"Would you have really left on tour with G-Dragon while you were pregnant, Hea? Knowing how dangerous being a bodyguard can be for a woman? Especially a pregnant woman?" Jjong asked me.

"I don't know," I admitted. "My hormones have been so out of whack for so long I don't know what I would have done if they had tried to force me to stay home. The thing is, though, only G-Dragon was the only one trying to force me to stay. Hyunseong was trying to make me see reason, telling me how he felt. I think that made me compromise more than G-Dragon just telling me he was putting me on leave effective immediately."

"Well, you and Hyunseong do finally have a chance to be together for a while, without you having to worry about your next flight to your next country," Jjong mentioned.

"That was another point Jiyong mentioned," I told him. "He said that by taking my benefits to stay home, I was finally going to have real time to spend with my husband. When he said that to me, it was almost like a pain in my heart because, just in February, Hyunseong had been willing to walk away from Boyfriend to follow me so we could have a semi-normal relationship, Jjong. We've been together for over three years now, married for almost a year, and until I got pregnant, the longest time we'd ever spent together consecutively was earlier this year when he came with me to Hong Kong to see Mom and Pop Wang, then to Beijing to see the escaped members of EXO, before I then went to Japan and stayed for a few weeks. It's when I got the apartment for us. Other than that, our relationship has been completely long-distance, Jjong. I mean, our first night in the apartment in Japan I realized it was the first time in our relationship we had a place to call a home of our own."

"We're too young to have to live like that, Hea," Jjong said to me. "Hyunseong is even younger than we are. It's got to be harder on him. So, this pregnancy might really have been a good thing. Something to slow you down long enough to just be together in peace for a while. You've lived out of a suitcase for more than five years, Hea. It's time to put the suitcase away for a bit."

"I guess, Jjong," I said. "It's just weird to be home all the time."

"Do you love Hyunseong?" he asked.

"With all my heart. No questions asked."

"Then just don't overthink this and just enjoy the time you have," he said to me with a smile.

We talked and joked about a lot of different things for the next few hours. Before we knew it, Hyunseong was coming in the door and Jinki was calling Jjong to find out where he was. He'd been with me for more than a few hours.

"I really loved seeing you today, Jjong," I told him as I walked him to the door. "Please, don't be a stranger. I miss you guys. You're all welcome to visit, you know."

"Okay, Sweet Hea," Jjong said with a smile. "We'll all try to come visit soon."

He kissed my cheek and left. I went back inside to Hyunseong.

"I haven't seen you smile that much since we got back to Seoul," he said. "Did you and Jonghyun have a good visit today?"

"I smile," I said defensively. "And yes, we did. I'm just always so tired, Hyunseong. Carrying triplets is exhausting."

He looked at me sympathetically and came over to me, picking me up. He carried me to the couch, sitting me on his lap and started stroking my hair to soothe me.

"I can't imagine how exhausting it is for you, Hea. I'm in awe that you are carrying three new lives inside of you. I hadn't thought about becoming a father yet, but the further along you get, the more excited I'm finding myself. You've made me so happy, Hea. And I know that you've had some issues, not being able to be as independent as you normally are because of the pregnancy. But I'm a phone call away if you need someone to yell at to make yourself feel better."

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