Chapter Eight

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Returning to Seoul, it wasn't what I expected. I was seeing the doctor every two weeks since the discovery of the three babies. So, when we got back at the end of July, Hyunseong called a bunch of my friends to come over so we could tell them the news. Knowing how overwhelmed both of us were, he wanted our friends' support. So, we told them. I suddenly had an overabundance of friends offering to step up to help me whenever we needed it.

Boyfriend had their Korean comeback at the beginning of August. I went with them for the comeback shows, not wanting to sit at home alone. Mr. Sohn, happily got me the backstage passes necessary so I could be with Hyunseong and safely away from the crowds of fan girls for all the shows. He even congratulated us on the pregnancy, which made both of us happy that he wasn't angry that, after I left, I started dating one of my former charges.

After a while, Jonghyun even came to visit me.

"Hey, Noona," he said, smiling at me. "Congratulations!"

He hugged me as he walked into the house. Hyunseong was busy and he came over because he heard that after Jackson dropped me off from my appointment I'd be home alone until Hyunseong came home. I was happy to see him.

"Thanks, Jjong," I said, smiling back at him. "How have you been? We've both been so busy since the wedding we haven't seen each other much."

"One of us has been a little busier than the other," he said, laughing. "But I'm the same. Writing, producing, touring. But I come back and find out that little Hea is going to be an Eomma. I couldn't just not come see you!"

Seeing him smile made me smile, even though as the pregnancy progressed, I was getting tired more and more easily. It was mid-September, I was about six months pregnant already, and I was done. It was exhausting, and I wanted the pregnancy to be over.

"So how have you been?" he asked. "I'm glad to see you're not out on tour with G-Dragon."

"Not for lack of trying," I told him, laughing, and he gave me a look of sheer shock.

"Hea! You didn't!" he exclaimed.

"Kinda," I said sheepishly. "I was tag-teamed by Hyunseong and G-Dragon, okay! Whenever Hyunseong wants to surprise me, or now, whenever they know I haven't told them something or they're worried, they plot together, Jjong! It's not fair! I woke up and had both of them standing over me, wanting to know what I hadn't told them, and when I told them, G-Dragon immediately started planning my maternity leave!"

"What's so bad about that?" Jjong asked.

"I didn't have a say!" I replied.

"What did Hyunseong say?"

"I kinda felt bad for him," I started. "With him being younger than both me and G-Dragon, he seemed so unsure about speaking against me when I said I didn't want to go on maternity leave immediately. But he told me he was scared to have me out there. Unlike everyone else in Boyfriend except Donghyun, Hyunseong knows I've taken hits to protect G-Dragon over the years. So, when it came down to it, he said he was afraid that knowing that, he was afraid to have me and his unborn child out there protecting G-Dragon for basically my entire pregnancy. Ultimately, we compromised and I only stayed on until the beginning of June, until after BigBang's fan meets in Japan. That was when I went on medical leave, just moving into the apartment Hyunseong and I have near Boyfriend's dorm, and he moved in with me. We were there for about six weeks or so before we came back for their Korean comeback. Now, Donghyun, Kwangmin, Min Woo, and Jeongmin are doing a show because Starship isn't really doing that much with the group, and their contract technically ends next year, so they're planning their next steps, while Hyunseong is just doing whatever they want him to now, so when I go into labor, they leave him be."

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