Chapter Nine: Kiss and Tell

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"No!" you were screaming, your fists slamming against his chest in that desperate way you were accustomed to. It seemed not a single day would pass without you fighting and crying one way or another. The monster had one fist clenching your hair, pulling at the strands as he buried your head into the mattress. You were bent over, his hips resting against your ass, and yes, you knew exactly what that entailed. Cringing at the very thought, you tried to focus your energy on fighting back. But it was pretty difficult to move without rubbing him the wrong way. God, it was all so awkward, disgusting and disturbing too. Where was the exit? Where was fucking Toby when you needed him? Who knows how long he'd take to return. It would be wiser not to rely on him as a rescue.

So, you were on your own against this immortal, unkillable, perverted, psychopath. The odds weren't looking too good.

"Stop, please stop!" you hissed the words out, his grip only tightening on your hair. Even though you were pleading, your body was doing anything but. Your arm quickly snapped to the side, your elbow hitting him straight in the jaw. He grunted but only returned the gesture by grabbing that arm and holding it against your back. He began to twist the arm, forcing it to form an impossible angle as he pushed it further and further. You began to feel your bones craning under the pressure, your eyes widening as you once again screamed for him to stop. He did. Holding it right on the verge of breaking as you began to feel tears well up in your eyes.

You honestly just wanted to go home, to wake up from this awful nightmare. This was far too much. The pain, the fear, this constant sensation of fight or flight was killing you.

"Fucking shut up." He ordered, "No ones coming for you bitch."

He was right, a screaming girl would be no surprise in this place. Even if Toby was in earshot, he wouldn't come running if he heard some girl crying for help.

"Toby help me!" you tried screaming that instead, your voice louder than it ever was on the off chance he would hear. Jeff's eyes widened for a split second before narrowing angrily. His grip on your arm tightened as he pushed it past its limits, the sharp snap of breaking bones clicked in your head before your mind whitened with searing hot pain. You were pretty sure that was the loudest you had ever screamed. On the bright side you began to feel your consciousness slipping. At least you wouldn't be awake for whatever he did next, and in itself that was a little comforting.

Your head lolled back into the mattress, your arms and legs falling limply as everything went black. Even with your sight gone, for a moment you could still hear him shuffling behind you, you could feel his hands holding you up, moving slowly against your sides. You'd have cringed if you could.


You weren't sure how much time had passed, but when you opened your eyes again you were in a different place. You were lying on a table of sorts, a medical table by the looks of it. A hospital? Had the police arrived? Were you safe again?

No, probably not, you knew better than to fall for that.

"Good afternoon."

Slowly you moved your head towards the voice, acknowledging a man who stood by the table. He looked as average as could be, dressed in a dark trench coat with both hands working on a layer of bandages across your arm. Was he a doctor of sorts? You recalled breaking your arm, though at the moment you couldn't feel any pain. As a matter of fact, you couldn't feel anything at all.

Your mouth opened but nothing came out, your lips struggling to form coherent words. Deciding to take a moment to collect your wits, you instead turned your attention back to the stranger. It was too dark to see his face, far too dark for any doctor to be fixing your arm either. But he seemed to be doing just fine despite the lack of light. From the little you could see you were able to recognize the grayish tint of his skin as well as the noticeably brown hair that adorned his head. He looked fairly young, probably early 20's if you had to fathom a guess. Then again everyone here looked surprisingly young.

Five Ticks Till I'm Yours (Dark Ticci Toby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now