The beginning of an end

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Name's Riley, I go to a small highschool up here in the bay. There's nothing much about me really. I'm 5'4 pretty short, Im a brunette. blue eyes. Nothing really exciting or dramatic has happened to me before. Somehow I want there to be. I want people to see me and go "hey, isn't that the girl that saved that one kid from getting ran over by a train" or maybe even " Hey thats the girl who wrote that one novel i just can't stop reading". I know i'm crazy, but i can only dream right? My folks keep telling me to be careful what i wished for. I didn't exactly wish it but I know where they're coming from.

Anyways screw my little explanitory about myself, There is this boy in my health class and he is H.O.T. hot! He's a skater like me, and his personality is like awesome. Now my life isn't as cliche as most girls he isn't the captain of the football team and all the girls are all over him either. I have a type and I stick with it ✌. I'm gonna be a journalist one day, and he's gonna part of my story, everything is gonna be apart of my story. Although a story isn't a story without a twist of course. Anyway I started walking to class and a sit in the back next to trevor (health class hotty). The day went by fast found out that homecoming is coming up. And yeah. There's my life normal and always will be.

.....or not.

Authors note°°
~ I know it's a little boring but unlike all my other books this one i will update daily. Like i said this is just the very beginning by the next chapter or two things will continue to be a little more detailed and dramatic. So keep reading please

~Photo above is Riley. (Her real name is not Riley btw)

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