Chapter 25

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The entire 5th year was seated in the Great Hall doing the charms exam, Umbitch was in the headmaster seat at the front of the room looking pretentious and very up herself. I rolled my eyes at her and continued to write the essay. A loud series of bangings came from outside of the great hall, all the quills stopped scratching on paper and our heads turned to the door. Umbridge quickly walked down the isle of students, eyeing Harry suspiciously as she walked past. She opened the great hall doors and stepped into the arch way under all her stupid decrees. A whizzing sound flew into the great hall, I recognised it as a firecracker from the Weasley twin's products. They suddenly flew into the great hall on their broomsticks with their suitcases on the sides. They flicked their wands and all of our exam papers flew into the air, complete chaos erupted as we all laughed and jumped around happily. I watched as a small firecracker chased after Draco and copied his facial expression as it hit the wall where he had stood. I laughed loudly and followed the twins with my eyes as the flew to the roof,

"Here you go!" Fred laughed

"Ready when you are!" George grinned as he threw a large looking object into the air, it exploded and transformed into a dragon which made a beeline for Umbridge, she started screaming and ran towards the door to escape the dragon firework. It closed its jaws around her and exploded into smaller fireworks. All of her amendments suddenly fell from around the doorway and smashed into slices of paper and glass around her. The twins suddenly flew out the door with crowds of students running happily, cheering after them as they raced off into the sky. I cheered while standing next to Hermione and Harry as we watched with the rest of the students.

Sirius was kneeling on the ground in pain as Voldemort circled him.

"I need that prophecy," Voldemort hissed

"You'll have to kill me," Sirius choked out

"Oh, I will. But first you will fetch it for me," Voldemort then raised his wand

"Crucio!" he cast and Sirius writhed around in pain. Voldemort repeated the spell and Sirius's face contorted into one of pure agony.

I put my hands on my knees and breathed in and out deeply as I noticed Harry was on the floor, white as a sheet.

"Sirius," Harry breathed out.

Hermione, Harry, Ron and I raced up the stairs

"Are you sure?" Hermione panted

"I saw it. It's just like with Mr. Weasley. It's the door I've been dreaming about. I couldn't remember where I'd seen it before. Sirius said Voldemort was after something. Something he didn't have the last time, in the Department of Mysteries," Harry replied and I nodded.

"Harry, please, just listen. What if Voldemort meant for you to see this? What if he's only hurting Sirius because he's trying to get to you?" Hermione stoped running and we turned back to look at her

"What if he is? We're supposed to just let him die? Hermione, he's the only family we've got left," I replied, upset.

"What do we do?" Hermione asked

"We'll have to use the Floo Network.," I said

"Umbridge has the chimneys under surveillance," Hermione replied

"Not all of them," I pointed out as we entered the doorway to her office.

"Alohamora," Harry cast and the door opened

"Alert the order if you can,"

"Are you mental? We're going with you," Ron countered

"It's too dangerous," Harry shook his head

"When are you going to get it into your head? We're in this together," Hermione scoffed.

"That. You. Are," I sighed through my nose and closed my eyes. Oh Merlin. We had been caught. 

Draco Malfoy *5th Year*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora