Science Class

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Science Class is my easiest class. Also where I get to be most social. Its where I'm most comfortable. I have alot of friends here. "Ryan, you okay". There's only 1 problem. One of the most popular girls in school is in my class. I just happen to have the biggest crush on her. Her name is Sofia. "RYAN". "WHAT" I screamed waking up from thoughts. "Did I scare you" It was just my buddie James or Clash. "A little bit". "Were you daydreaming again". He's the only one that knows I have a crush on Sofia. "No, Never". I turn to stare at Sofia. She's working on something dealing with Chemicals. "Ryan, I know when your lying and I can tell you are right now". "No, I'm not". "I don't even know why you like her because, 1) She has boyfriend, 2) She'll never date you". "But...she's seems so...awesome". "Ryan listen to yourself. You sound like every other thirsty boy in this school". "But were in college, I think it's time we finally take risk". "Risk aren't made for us nerds, now pack your stuff, class is over". I began shoving my stuff into my backpack. Maybe James is right. Risk aren't made for nerds. But I'm sure as hell won't let that stop me. She will be mine. I hope...

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