She would have forgiven him if he listened to her when she asked him for space, when she begged him to not force himself on her and before she fainted in his house again. However, he continued to mentally exhaust her and to the point she self-harm. That is not something she had to deal with. She had her life, choices and more. Why did she need to forgive/tolerate an ill fate for something that her heart still bleeds for?.

She wouldn't be able to stop her pain but she manages to pull it down considerably. She manages to build her walls and herself back from scratch, all alone.

She doesn't need to stay bound to someone she doesn't love.

She might have loved him if he had simply married her and let her be. Perhaps there would have been a chance. He never once listened to her in those months when she tried telling him that she didn't kill his mother. He always punished her even harsher for speaking. He took her shine, ability to smile, love and care. She had lost herself with him.

Abuse is not a joke and cannot be forgiven.

Never ever.

Abuse is when a person decides for themselves to hurt another human being, willingly. Abuse cannot be forgiven in any way no matter if the person repented. Abuse has a long term effect on human and the person who abuse is not a human. He might realise it sometime that he did wrong however what about the person whose abused?. When there is abuse there can never be love because love is when you cannot even think of hurting the other person. Perhaps, verbal abuse to some extent can be forgiven but there is no chance for physical abuse.

On the other hand, cheating on your partner is a sin. No matter how forgiving the partner is there is no way that is forgivable. Cheating is not a thing to be taken lightly. Cheating cannot be unseen. If someone did it, they need to be punished because no getting punished had started the circle of affairs where a woman is stuck by the society to bear a man who isn't even loyal and vice versa.

She understands through this time that her daughter wasn't a burden rather the society itself is a burden that loves bringing people down to feel that they are in power. Daughter were the reason a father enter into paradise. Woman is the one who carries the generations in them and they are the one who have the strength that no one can have to be able to give birth. Woman were never a burden rather the precious gem of the world that is now covered in coal to hide them.

She sits in the forest watching her mother sitting in front of the river but no matter how much she tries she cannot let go of the ropes that she is tied down to. She begged and scream for help however she is still on the ground.

"You know what". Her mother asked as she turns to look at her struggling

She shakes her head, "Help me, Ammi".

Her mother shakes her head, "This time it's not I who needs to help you".

"What do you mean?". She asked confused

"These ropes can only be opened if you are willing to. You are the one tying yourself down and you need to allow yourself free. Set yourself free and open the rope that is not allowing you that freedom. Don't be scared to be free and fight the one who tries to take it from you".

She understands that her staying here is kind of running away from everything and she had done that enough.

She packs her bag looking at her baby girl sleeping peacefully in her cot as she walks down the familiar neighbour that becomes her home. She smiles as the house came in view and she pressed the bell patiently waiting for the door to open.

"Zeenat". She heard him whisper as if he was scared she might not be real

She beams looking at him, "Yes, it's me".

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