chapter 2: the train ride

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^thats tamara kosters^

a couple of hours had passed. not much movement was going on, and i was starved so i stood up left my room looking for some food.
then i abruptly ran into a girl with dark red, wavy hair and blue eyes.

"sorry" i said with a flushed face.
"thats fine, im tamara " she said while laughing.
"im kyle, do you know where to get some food in this place" i asked her.
"yea i can take you there if you want"
"thank you" i said as i followed her down a hallway.

she led me to a room filled with, well... food. there were buffets, soft drinks, and even a chocolate fountain. i was awaken from my daydream with her laugh.

"i can see your imagining some deep stuff" she said slightly mocking me
i decided to reply with a smart ass comment and said "well you know, a guy and his food are just inseparable. especially when hes hungry"
she laughed making it obvious she found it amusing
"whats so funny, this isnt a laughing matter" i jokingly said
"just go get your food" she said still laughing

i got a bacon cheeseburger with lettuce, and fries on the side. i was bringing my food to my sanctuary (with tamara leading because i had no idea where i was going in this place)

when i was about to go into my room, i insistently called out her name "tamara, you can come stay with me in my room if you want. it gets pretty lonely back here"
"are you gonna share that burger" she asked while walking towards me.
"yea sure" i said laughing"
"then yes, i will"

we were sitting in my room for about 3 minutes of me eating my burger when she blurted out
"so... you said you were gonna share that burger"
i laughed and handed her the burger while i ate the fries

in a midst of wanting to make conversation i asked,
"where are you going on this train?"
"oregon middle and high school boarding school"
"no way in flipping hell, i cant even comprehend "
"what" she asked holding in her laughter
"im going there too"
"cool" is all she simply said

she soon fell asleep in about fifteen minutes. she looked so peaceful. i feel like her and i could be really good friends, like the friends people think are dating but we arent.

well, i better get comfortable its a three day trip to oregon.
i quickly fell asleep behind tamara with our legs tangled up like knots...

tamara p.o.v. -

me and this guy kyle were talking when i found out that hes going to the same school as me. oh my god, why do i keep laughing hes probably wondering like, "whats so funny?" "is she laughing because she is on drugs or something?".
thank the lord i fell asleep before i could embarrass myself any further.

i didnt feel like very much time had passed when i was woken up by some ruffling. its that kid kyle i guess hes going to sleep too. i guess i just didn't expect him to sleep behind me with our legs intertwined.
you know maybe me and kyle after a couple of weeks could become more than friends. i mean hes sweet, cute, and quite frankly seems like so much fun to be around.

the next morning -
kyle p.o.v. -

i woke up with my arms around tamara and my chin in her neck. i slowly removed my arms and head while slowly getting up off the bed. alas my mission was successful in not waking tamara up.
i decided that i would go get some breakfast for the both of us before tamara woke up.

i got back with two plates of bacon, eggs, toast, and some fruit salad with water on the side. thank god tamara wasnt up yet when i got into the room.
i set down our food on the side table and slightly shook her to wake her up. after a few minutes of her not waking up, i decided to pick her up in my arms and sit her straight up on the bed. that woke her up for sure.
she looked a little surprised i did that and she asked,

"why did you wake me up?"
"i got us food and i thought you might want some"
"well, you were right because im really hungry"
"then your welcome"
"i cant believe you actually did that"

after that we just talked and ate our food for hours and then next thing you know it, it was six in the afternoon and tamara was falling asleep on my shoulder.

just as she was becoming drowsy do to the lack of pillow i lied down on my side engulfing her into my chest with my arms around her.
"are you comfortable" i asked
"yes, very" she responded tiredly
"good, because i dont want you to be uncomfortable"

after that she yawned and fell asleep without responding. i soon fell asleep right after her.

it was 2:45 and tamara and i were waiting to get off the train. i really hope im not coming off as nervous as i feel.

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