She asks, chuckling a little at the colour on my face.

I shrug awkwardly.

I genuinely didnt know if Danse and I were just friends!

I mean- it's not like we've kissed or anything... but we are close.

"As I suspected."

Mama murphy says and starts walking towards Danse before I can stop her.

"You two should rest for today. Stay the night and leave bright and early tomorrow. Will do some good for you two."

"Oh... that's kind of you ma'am but we dont want to let-"

"I wont hear it! You can stay in your old house-"

She says turning to me then looks back at Danse.

"Unfortunately, you may have to be staying in Miss (Y/N) home. Unless youd rather be piled between a couple of caravaners."

She says and Danse shakes his head, looking at me.

"I'll take the couch."

He says and again before I can say anything Mama Murphy interrupts!

"Perfect. You're house should be all made up, dear. And theres stew served at 8pm at the main house."

She tells me, then shuffles off out the garden.

Danse and I share a look before he let's out a laugh,

"...she seems... nice."

I crouch beside him, Dogmeats ears flopping back when I scratch his head and he gives me a derpy smile.

Out the corner of my eye, I can see Danse smiling at me.


I ask, chucking and he shakes his head looking back at Dogmeat who's now attempting to stand up and get back to his dog house.

Danse stands up then helps me to my feet.

My hands are tiny compared to his when hes in his power suit, and even when hes not.

He looks down at our hands before gently letting go.

"Erm... ahem. We should... go get settled in for the night..."

He says holding the door open for me to go inside.

I give him a thankful smile before walking inside.

He stepped out of his power armour, leaving it beside the back door.

He awkwardly stands in the kitchen as I look around the now furnished house.

I ran a hand over the dining room table... its surprisingly clean.

I see they found my old law certificate! The glass is cracked but my name is still visible.

Danse peers over my shoulder,

"...huh. You have a degree in law?"

He asks and I turn to see him,

"Yeah. Erm. Pretty useless now though."

I say and we both chuckle.

"Danse do you not want to change into something more comfortable?"

I ask, looking at the Brotherhoods classic orange suit.

He looks down at himself and shrugs.

"Err... maybe? If you dont mind."

Paladin Danse X Reader Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα