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I'm beginning to hate my Digital Storytelling Class.

Our assignment: "For your submission, start by listing out as many details as you can about the photo. (what is the main subject, where is the focus, how is it composed, what action is happening in the shot, etc.) List as much as you can, but at least 5 different aspects of the photo. Then write a short story to accompany the photo. This should be slightly longer than the ones we have done so far (3-5 paragraphs) Specifically I want you to write the story in first person (I, me, us, etc.)" (the picture above is what the assignment is about)

The main subject and the focus in this picture are the same. Damn. Thing.

Our other assignment: "For class today you will have approximately 30 minutes to take a photo. The photo can be of anything, but must contain elements of proper composition and lighting as mentioned in my previous presentations. When you come back, return the cameras for the other group and upload your photos to google drive. Then you will write a story to accompany the content of your photo. This will be approximately 3-5 paragraphs long and should be in the 3rd person point of view. (names, they, them, etc.)"

I'm terrible at taking photos and I hate cameras.

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