Chapter 26

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Alicia's POV

"So... how are you?" Yaz asked after sipping her daiquiri. I teared my eyes away from the polo match. My friends and I were attending one of our school's games. Chico actually was playing which was the reason that the cheering was so loud. Gemma acted as if she were the head cheerleader based on how loud she was whenever he got the ball.

"I'm doing fine. Why are you asking?"

"Because you kinda got dumped like a week ago." Astrid winced once I shot her a glare.

"I'm fine. Like you said, she was just a play thing to keep me entertained. And I'm thoroughly entertained so it was time to get rid of her." I placed my iced tea down. "Now, I'll focus all my attention on Arthur and our relationship. It was nice having a secret relationship. It made me feel rebellious and alive. Unfortunately, we all have to grow up and focus on real things and stop living out fantasies." Yaz opened her mouth to say something, but decided against it. "I'll just erase her from my life." I sipped my drink. I noticed out of my peripheral Yaz and Astrid exchanging worried looks.


"Will you quit moping around." I heard Zara's annoying voice behind me. I closed the fridge and gave her a glare.

"I'm not moping around."

"Yes you are. You have been despondent the entire week. It's annoying because you are copying my broody nature and it's infuriating!"

"What's wrong, Ali?" Gemma hugged me.

"Umm... nothing." There's no way I can tell them that I'm sad because of Nicola.

"Clearly, there's a reason so spit it out. I don't need you sucking out the sulkiness from the air. Now, why are you so distraught?" Zara feigned interest.

"Like I said, it's nothing. I'm fine and would prefer to be left alone." I wiggled free of Gemma's embrace and went outside to jog. I put in my airpods and ran. I blasted the music in my ears in an attempt to drown out my thoughts, but it only made it worse. I felt the pain from the breakup consume me. The memory of Nicola breaking my heart was fresh in my mind. I felt tears brim my ears when I remembered her words of doubt regarding our relationship. Did she really think so little of me? That I would never tell my family? Did she think she wasn't good enough for me? Then, I remembered the pictures of her lip locked with her ex. She cheated on me because she felt no confidence in our relationship. I thought through my actions that she'd never question her worth,but I was wrong. I guess I don't do that good of a job. The dagger in my heart was when she returned the gifts I bought her. It was like she wanted nothing to remind her of me. The week has been utter hell. We haven't spoken to each other and I've made it abundantly clear that I don't wish to speak to her. I've seen her give me pleading looks in class, but I simply ignore her. When she isn't looking, I will stare at her and pine for her, but my pride would never allow me to take her back. Not after the humiliation of cheating and dumping me! So that is why I gave her the cold shoulder like how I did when we first met. My ice queen exterior was now back on and in full display. Tamsin was ecstatic about my new state whereas my friends and other sisters were concerned. Whenever Yaz or Astrid broached the topic of Nicola, I quickly shut it down. There's no need to talk about my failures.

Buzz buzz

I stopped running and checked my phone.

"Sleepover tonight? To get your mind off anything..." I chuckled at Astrid's text. She's trying so hard not to mention the reason why I'm upset. I'll appease her just to humor myself.

"Sure. Pick me up later." I quickly texted back. It was getting dark so I decided to head back. I got home to hear Zara and Tamsin at it in the kitchen. They are so lucky my parents are out of town, or my dad would be reprimanding them for raising their voices. Mother dearest would persuade him that darling Tamzi was in the right whereas everyone is wrong if they dare defy precious Tamzi. Like barf. It's not surprising that the two narcissists in the family gravitate towards each other.

"Ali! Please do something." Gemma begged once she noticed me. If it were the other two, I'd have rolled my eyes and went to my room, but it's Gemma... so... I groaned despite making my way into the living room. I glanced at Gemma to fill me in. "They're arguing about Arthur." I cocked an eyebrow at that. "Z thinks you should be able to end that relationship while Tamzi believes that you have to marry him even if you don't like him." I'm not surprised with my sisters' thought processes. Tamsin only cares about her self interests and whatever makes the family appear better than we really are. Zara would be on my side since she had recently experienced that same exact notion regarding Ryder.

"I will marry him. I don't really care." I walked away.

"Bullocks! Your relationship ended because you got engaged!" I stopped at Zara's comment. "Or it partially played a part." At this time, I turned around to face my sisters.

"Why do you think that?" I had no intention of either confirming or denying that statement.

"Please. It's obvious that you had been slightly depressed and it coincided perfectly with your engagement. I didn't believe being engaged would solely be the reason for your state so it had to be something else. Something that really mattered to you and was ruined or even ended... a relationship? Am I right?" My sisters looked at me impatiently awaiting my answer, especially Tamsin since she was snapping her fingers.

"I will not dignify that accusation with a response." I stormed up to my room. 

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