Neo-Electra Chp. 3 Perpetual Nights Lit by itself: Read. Respond

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Title: Neo-Electra 

Chapter 3: Perpetual nights lit by itself. 

Inspirations: Imaginations/Music/Neon/Glow-in the dark/The Gift the book.

Picture/Music: Are other creative amusements. 

Comments: Are a given.. 

I gasped for air clutching something or someone. Breathlessly aware that I am not at the bus stop anymore. I attacked whoever's  got me. Forcefully holding me down and shushing me. Whispering for me to be silent, his voice is light like air. This isn’t Cap’n talking. This guys  tugging me  closer to him. Clinging his body tightly against mine. I have a cold sweat dripping down my forehead. As I smell his overly sweet breathe and cologne. 


I finally decide to give in to whoever this old nutter was. Only to come to the conclusion. That I had forgotten to open my eyes. When I do I have to adjust them. Spotting my captor only to see a pretty boy man in font of me. I glanced over quickly spotting Him, My  brave Cap’n looking worried  about something and then I noticed it. This place is different I tried finding the sun or a sign that I am still on earth but I couldn’t.. This place is unbelievable. 

“What’s going on..?” I mutter looking up at I think his name was Vix or something like that.. He hasn’t let go of me yet. Which I find strange since I have fully awoken from that nightmares stupor. 

“Hey you mind keeping those bony fingers to yourself..? Buddy..” I pinch his fine skin pleased to feel him wince. 

“Ouch, Why’d you do that.. And I thought you were like the legends of women on earth..I was sadly mistaken..” He deeply sighs.. Releasing me. 

I roll my eyes standing near-by the Cap’n this guy can’t be trusted.. I smugly thought. 

“What are you talking about, what are the legends of the women on earth….?” I snapped back at him. 

“Well, “ He laughingly answers me frantically looking at Cap’n like a madman. 

“The women on earth are supposed to be beautiful, gentle, creatures.. Given to man as a gift for his uses and needs..” He dreamily looks into the distance. Trying to conjure up one of this so called earth women.. 

“Oh please..,” I roll my eyes once more.. Shoving my jackboot into his face as he moves away from me, grimacing and moaning. I pull my kid gloves tighter over my hands.  Getting closer to the Cap’n and gazing longingly at this city, emerging before my eyes.. 

“What is this place..?” I question the air.. 

“Its Neo-Electric you moron.. “ Viz sneers at me as I gesture to my boot again. Cap’n turns towards us with a serious look on his handsome face. His tone is grave..

”Now children, we must behave we are in the Electro, it’s the heaviest guarded place. We need to reach the core.. “ 

I am confused looking around at the place. Its baffling how we haven’t discovered it yet. Its dark but lit well enough from the lights of a verity of things from an artificial sun, to cell phones, lamp lights lit an a array of technicolor’s. This place makes me want to travel and get lost in its dreamy atmosphere. It’s a wonderment my eyes soon drift to a wanted poster lit up like a firework. 

“What’s this..? Why is your face on it Cap’n..” He grabs my hand. As his eyes harden in a deep hatred.. 

“Its not important.”  He mutters to himself. I am at a loss for words. Then Viz bluntly hits my shoulder.. Rudely. 

“He tried rebelling to revel the truth of our leader.. Wiz-” 

Cap’n turns on his heel hearing Viz utter that persons name.. I could tell it held a value to Cap’n. 

“She’ll know soon enough now lets move!” He whispers bolting from the spot in some kind of slick syncing motion. 

He gracefully blends into the stylish group gripping my hand softly pulling me forward into the interesting electric crowd. As I drag Viz along we sync walking together as I take in the sights  of this place. I hear people echo something of someone’s name but we are pulled into another alleyway before I can catch it. Suddenly the lights flicker out and  a scream ricochets. As people seem to move and swirl like candles. Shifting so fast and hard they contort in front of me. Bending and blurring into a colossal mess like a splattered raindow of everything and then they disappear. Everything seems to fade away so suddenly I am breathless.. 

“What’s going on!? Where is everyone!?” I  beg for some kind of of explanation. When Viz and Cap’n look at me worried.. 

“Its him..,” Viz mutters before becoming nothing but a shadow in the vanish.. 

“Yes it is I, The Great King of Neo-Electric.. Wizanko Jenkins and you are..? A Invader of my homeland..!” His voice is like a mega sonic boom loud and blaring. 

Accusing us without thought. I look desperately for Viz and then I turn to my great Cap’n whose fearless to the disembodied voice. He stands his ground and I do the same holding his hand and remaining strong. I wait to see anything in this heavy darkness. Trying to adjust my eyes to the blindness but its impossible. 

Then ever so slightly something sparks and swirls dancing in the darkness oblivion. It moves and then something else is lit up flickering and waving translucent and dangerous. A loud metal snap on the cemented ground. Causes a  stage-like strobe to emerge and then he appears. Wickedly happy and dancing to some deafening beat. Only his eyes shift but he‘s like fire. He steps up to me and places his multicolored neon hand on my own pale hand. Kissing it,  he bows elegantly. 

“Hello my darling sweetheart..” His voice is hauntingly husky and mistrusting. Snapping down his mischievous cane everything morphs and twists again quickly we are in a ballroom of his own delirium. 

You are mine now.. He says lovingly warm. 

Authors Endearment: Hello! Hello to all! Who are still reading and enjoying this! So here’s my Q and you’re A. 1. What do you think now altogether of this spiral story..? 2. What did you think of the chapter title.. ? And Lastly 3. What did you think of the music and picture choice.. ? I would love to thank everyone for reading this and loving it as much as I do! 

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