Chapter 23. A Conversation with Dumbledore ☾

Start from the beginning

"I assure you, Remus, I am planning on doing nothing of the kind. Now if you would kindly wait for Mr. Potter outside, we have some important things to discuss." Dumbledore informed him. Remus nodded, turning to Harry.

"I'll be in the Great Hall. Come and find me when you're done." Remus instructed. Harry nodded and turned back to Dumbledore. Once the door closed, Dumbledore began.

"Now, Harry, is there anything you would like to discuss with me?" Dumbledore asked.

Harry thought for a moment.

"About the Chamber of Secrets? No. However, I did have a question about the summer." Harry paused for a moment, gathering his courage. "I can't spend another summer at the Dursleys, sir. They beat me. They don't feed me. They treat me like a house elf. They lock me in my room. I lived in the cupboard under the stairs until my Hogwarts letter came. It is a very hostile environment and I really would like to stay here, or somewhere else. Anywhere, just not the Dursleys."

"I'm sorry, Harry, but it's for the greater good, and it's in your best interest." Dumbledore apologized. "You have to go back to the Dursleys."

Harry jumped out of his seat in anger. "Who placed you as my magical guardian? What right do you have to decide where I stay?" Harry accused. Dumbledore remained silent. Harry huffed. "I'll take my leave, Professor. Good day." Harry turned and walked out the door, leaving a stunned Dumbledore behind him.

As he walked out of the revolving staircase, he came across Hermione and Draco.

"What did he want?" Hermione asked.

"He thinks it's for the greater good and my best interest to stay with the Dursleys!" Harry blurted out. Draco looked at his friend stunned.

"Did you tell him what happens there?" The blond asked his friend. Harry nodded.

"I told him all of it. He said I had to go back." Harry replied angrily. "I got to go. Remus is waiting for me." Harry informed them as he stomped off.

"I got to go, too." Draco excused. His godfather needed to know this! Hermione gave him a confused look.

"Oh, okay. See you in the common room later?" Hermione asked him. He nodded. He then ran off in the direction of the dungeons.

When Draco arrived at his godfather's office, he began pounding on the door.

"Uncle Sev! Uncle Sev!" He called out frantically. Severus opened the door and Draco almost fell into the office.

"What is it, Dragon?" Severus asked him as he helped stabilize the boy. "You're acting like a werewolf is chasing you."

"He knows." Draco panted. Severus quirked an eyebrow.

"The werewolf?" Severus teased. Draco shook his head.

"No, Remus is in the Great Hall." Draco blurted. He then slapped a hand over his mouth. Severus sighed.

"Ignoring the fact that Lupin clearly cannot keep a secret, what is wrong?" Severus asked his godson, concerned.

"Dumbledore knows Harry's abused and he won't do anything about it." Draco informed him. Severus sighed.

"We already went over this, Draco. What new evidence do you have?"

"Harry just came from a meeting with Dumbledore. He told Dumbledore all about the abuse, pleading with him to send him somewhere besides the Dursleys for the summer. He told Harry that it was for the greater good and his best interest that he go back there!" Draco told him. Severus took in a deep breath.

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