"What do you want?"

"I want you, to befriend Hadrian." The squid said. Frankly, Draco doesn't know how the hell this squid can talk to him. And he remember clearly he had already slept!

"You are in a dream, Heir Malfoy. But do as I say. And oh! Keep an open mind. Or I will not hesitate to kill you. Farewell."

"Wait - "

End of flashback...


The door opened, and a greasy haired man walked inside, standing in the front.

"I am Professor Snape, and I will be your Potions teacher. I don't want to see any foolish wand waving in my class, because some people are just to incompetent to even brew a cure for boils." Snape said gesturing to the Gryffindors.

"Whatever." Henry said.

"Well, well, if it isn't Hogwarts new celebrity. Lets have a test shall we, Mr. Potter? What will I get if I added ashpodel, in the infusion of wormwood?"

"Who cares? This class is so boring. Why did Dumbledore chose you, an overgrown greasy bat, to be our teacher."

"That's ten points from Gryffindor! Next, what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

"I don't know. Nor I want to."

"Very incompetent as I've stated. Maybe you should know where to find a bezoar perhaps?"

"I said. I DONT BLOODY CARE!" Henry shouted while the Slytherins try their best to contain their laughter.

"Fifty points from Gryffindor, and a week of detention. If I am right the Slytherins know many about potions."
Henry rolled his eyes.

"Asked my phatetic brother then, he's even dumber than a rat I presume."
Henry challenged.

Snape hesitated. He doesn't trust Hadrian even though he's sorted in his house. But he can't give up on the other Potter.

"Go on Mr. Black." Hadrian smirked.

"First answer, adding ashpodel in the infusion of wormwood will grant me a certain potion, called the Draught of the Living Death. And fr the next question, there is no difference between the two, and they also go by the name aconite. And lastly, a bezoar can be found," Hadrian stopped eyes darking." At a stomach of a goat."

"Correct Mr. Black. Twenty points to Slytherin."

The class was going fairly well, Snape showing his distaste to the Gryffindors clear as a crystal.

After halfway to the class, Snape's assistant called Jenny Clarice kept staring at Harry, eyes full of emotion. He had to keep an eye on her.


Hadrians morning session has been completed, well, not exactly. He has a free period before lunchtime, so might as well, explore.

He reach the library, and as expected, Hermy is there. Harry sneaked in behind the book cases in Hermione s left, and just then he realized, there is a white haired boy sitting across her. Or more precisely Peverell.

"Hello Hermione, mind if I join?" Hadrian manage to plant a small smile.

"No you canno - "

"Sure! We would love to have some company." The boy paused. "I'm August Brooks."

Hermione turned to him, as if showing to him it's a teribble decision to let Hadrian but Kylan insisted.

"Great! I'll sit here." Hadrian sat beside Hermione, grabbing a big book, eyes sparkling with mischief.

While the two muggleborns were reading, Harry use his elemental power to lift August's book and let it fly to the air.

But strangely enough, the book he took was once again in August's hand, like it's been there all along. Harry was shocked, but did not let his facade to fall. No one has managed to defy his magic before. Who exactly is this muggleborn?

"I'll take my leave now Hermione." August said. "It's nice meeting you." he left but not before sneakily transporting Hadrian a message. Hadrian took it and stuffed it in his pocket.

"Lets talk." Hadrian said.

"Fine. I'll hear you out."

Hadrian sighed in relief. "Finally!"

"Do you want to talk or not?"

"I do. When we were riding our boats going to Hogwarts, tell me, did you ever see a giant squid?" Hadrian hopefully questioned.

Hermione was beyond bewildered. She had been having hazy dreams about a certain squid, and stranger enough, she was joined by Draco and Harry!

"I - I do."

"I will help you. There is something going on at Hogwarts, and we must be prepared." Hadrian presented his hand for Hermione to take, Hermione was about to shake it, when a certain voice spat such words.

"Black. Lets go discuss this association."

"Your associating with the Malfoys!?"

Uh-oh. This just become harder, than it already is.


"We can't escape now."

"Then let's find a miracle."

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