Chapter 4: Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

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"Here, take your nephew and entertain him!" Amenadiel hands a screaming Charlie to Lucifer as soon as he opens the door. Lucifer knows what to do and immediately shows him his devil face and Charlie is laughing as they walk over to the couch. Chloe watches with fascination at the exchange and how at ease Lucifer is with Charlie. He glances back at her and sees her smiling at him and relaxes. He always has to check and make sure because deep inside, he still wonders if she will run away from his monstrous side. Charlie's giggling gets his attention again and he plays with his nephew.

Chloe watches the exchange. She no longer fears Lucifer when he looks like this. And really, watching this scene, who could? This is just adorable the way Charlie looks at Lucifer and Lucifer acts silly to make him laugh. Suddenly a bright light and peace comes over her and she realizes they are no longer alone. He had come early, too.

"Dad," Lucifer says as he transforms back into his human form. "Always on your own schedule, I see." Chloe comes over to stand beside Lucifer and take his hand in hers.

"Father, welcome to my home," Amenadiel says coming out of the kitchen. He calls to Linda to come out. "Luci, bring Charlie to me."

"Father, this is Linda, the mother of your grandson."

"Hello, Linda. Thank you for having me and for my grandson. I didn't see that one coming," God said.

"Guess you aren't as all knowing as you thought," Lucifer said under his breath. Chloe gripped his hand tighter and shook her head at him.

"Father, this is Charlie," Amenadiel says as he comes to stand before God. God smiles and Charlie stares at him. He doesn't cry like normal. He laughs like when he does when he is around Lucifer.

"That's odd," Lucifer says.

"What is odd, Samael?" God says.

"Don't call me that," Lucifer demands.

God smiles at his son and looks back at Charlie and then focuses his gaze on Chloe.

"Chloe Decker, it is nice to meet you," God says as he walks toward her. Lucifer's hand tightens and slightly pulls her behind him. "Samael, do you mind if we sit and talk for a minute?"

"Not if you are going to keep calling me that," Lucifer sneers.

"Umm, yes, Lucifer and I can sit and talk," she says looking into Lucifer's eyes with her love to make sure he knows he is not alone. His eyes soften and she feels him relax as they select a chair for Chloe to sit in and Lucifer to perch himself on the arm.

"Sama...Lucifer," God starts, "You have found the one I put in your path and you love her, do you not?"

Lucifer starts to look angry at his father but feels Chloe next to him and his love emits. "Yes, no thanks to your manipulations."

"Chloe, you love Lucifer, correct?"

"Yes," she says as Lucifer gives his dimpled smile at her response.

"Good. Let's have dinner," God says as he tries to get up. "I haven't tried food so this will be fun!"

Lucifer jumped up in anger. "That is it? You don't have an explanation for your manipulation? You put her here in my path and that almost destroyed both of us and you just want to move on to dinner?"

God actually seemed taken aback. Chloe realized that he and Lucifer were a lot alike. Both didn't communicate well and both could be a little clueless in all their celestial glory. She laughed to herself...God and the Devil are alike and both clueless at times. Oh my.

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