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3 months. 

It's been 3 months since Yeonjun and Soobin started dating. 

Their relationship went public after the first date because one of their classmates saw them at Baskin Robbin's together.

They were called the 'perfect couple'. The two kept denying it even tho they know it's true. (sanaol lang masasabi ko)

The two are at Soobin's apartment, doing homework together.

It's their last year at college as music majors and it's their finals for first semester next week. The two were always together but nothing hanging out or going on dates, they were studying.

Yeonjun was in the kitchen as he was taking a break making his favorite snack, Ramen.

Soobin was in his room, studying. Sean was asleep already so Yeonjun didn't have to feed him.

When he was done making ramen, he went back inside the younger's room. 

"Bin-ah, can you take a break for 10 minutes? Let's eat" Yeonjun invited him to eat. Soobin just hummed and went back to reading his notes, highlighting the ones he needs to memorize.

Yeonjun sighed. He stood up and went behind him. He took off his glasses and placed them inside his jacket.

"Hey!" Soobin said to the older. "Hyung~" Soobin whined and Yeonjun just chuckled. "I'll give it to you but!" Soobin's smile dropped. "You have to eat first," Says Yeonjun.

Soobin just pouted. "Hyung the finals are next week-"..." And I don't care! Binnie, you've been working your ass off for the past week! You need rest" Yeonjun cutted his sentence.

The younger didn't listen to him. He just turned back to his notes and started reading again. At this point, Yeonjun was getting annoyed.

He eventually took his highlighter and closed his notebook. "I'm not going to stop bothering you if you keep studying," Yeonjun smirked.

Soobin looked at him, annoyed but gave in anyway. He stood up and stretched.

"Oh, shit my butt actually hurts," Soobin said. "See? I told you, you need a break" Yeonjun replied.

They both went to the kitchen and sat down. "Ramen!" Soobin said happily and Yeonjun smiled at him. 

"Let's eat?" Yeonjun asked and Soobin nodded.

Soobin smiled painfully, what did he do to deserve this.

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