Epilogue: Part 1

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I glance around, looking at all of my friends. "Wow... We really did it.." Hitoshi smiles, "Yeah, we graduated UA.. It's kinda hard to believe huh?" I chuckle, "To think... After three years.. We finally touched our dream..." I notice a pair of heterochromatic eyes on me, I smile before jumping and wrapping my arms around Shoto's neck, kissing him. "I love you Shoto!" He kisses my head as he wraps his arms around me, hugging me tight, "I love you too Hoshi..! So much!" Katsuki sticks his tongue out, "Bleh! Love." Mina Kisses him, "Oh shut up baby." Katsuki blushes, "G-geh.... E-eh... HUUH?!" Momo chuckles, "I can't believe how openly they display their affection." Kyoka pecks her on the cheek, "Eh? Don't worry about it honey." A light blush spreads across Momo's face.

Denki goes to kiss Hitoshi only to be shut down. "Don't even think about it Pikachu." Denki looks down, "Wah... So mean.." Mei has a proud smile on her face, "Lets go home and make babies dear!" Tenya blushes,
E-erm... Shouldn't we wait until marriage?" Mei looks at him, "Huh? Why would we do that? You can help design my next genius invetion!" Tenya covers his face in embarrassment.

After the graduation everyone decides to hang out, hell even Katsuki wanted to come.
Class 1-B as well as the Support course and general studies join us, and Izuku brings his girlfriend from Shiketsu.

"Hi! I'm Ochako Uraraka, my hero name is Uravity!" I smile "I'm Hoshi Shinso, Izu-kun's childhood friend, my hero name is Etherea.,this my boyfriend Shoto Todoroki." Todoroki nods and Hitoshi smiles slightly, "I'm Hitoshi, Hoshi's twin brother. My hero name is Control Freak, and this idiot next to me is Denki Kaminari, my boyfriend." Denki pouts, "So mean!" He then smiles, "Oh, um my hero name is Chargebolt!" Ochako smiles before extending her hand to me, I accept it expecting to get a hand shake, but instead she pulls me into a hug.

I giggle, "I'm glad I'm not the only person who likes hugs!" Ochako lets go and steps back, "Mhm! I love hugs! They're so warm and comforting!"

We ended up talking the rest of the evening, until strangly all of the boys left, minus Denki and plus Momo, and went to the back.

When they come back, they each are holding something behind their back. "So... This wasn't originally planned... But, we all have something to ask you guys. I guess I'll start?" Ejiro walks over to Himiko and takes her hands in his, "Himiko... You are so amazing, you were able to completely change your path in life, and I know you will be the best hero ever, but... There's one thing I want to ask you..." He gets on one knee pulling out a black box, "Toga Himiko, will you marry me?" I gasp, hardly able to be still, "Oh.. My... God... Yes! I will marry you Ejiro!" She says, after Ejiro slips the ring on her finger, I run over and hug her, "I am so happy for you Himiko!!" I let go and step back, a wide smile on my face, I glance at Ejiro, "Listen up okay? If you so much as make her shed a single tear, I will end you." He takes a step back, "Understood!"

Next is Tenya, then Momo, Hitoshi, Izuku, Neito, Tetsutetsu, and so on until the only people left are Katsuki and Shoto.

"E-Ermm... Raco- no... M-Mina.. I.. I love you.. Will you marry me.. Or whatever?" Mina squeals before hugging him, "Of course! I love you Katsu!!" I smile, giving Katsuki a similar threat to the one I gave Ejiro.

When I go back I see Shoto looking down nervously, I cup his face in my hands and gently kiss him, "Hey Shoto.. Will you marry me?" His eyes widen in surprise, Shoto pretty much malfunctions, I giggle, "Sorry, I guess I beat you again huh? I was the first to confess, and now I'm the first to ask for us to be wed." After about thirty seconds he wraps bis arms around me, I feel my shoulder getting wet, "Yes... I.. I love you so.. So much... I..." I place my hand on the back of his head, "Shhh... It's okay Love. I'm never going to leave you... I'm always going to be here, 'til death do us part, right?" When he lets go I wipe his tears away. "T-'til death do us part..." I gently kiss him, and after he slips the ring on my finger.

I'll be a Hero | BNHA x OC | {To be a Hero: Prequel}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin