Chapter 24: In the Heat of the Battle

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The two stand facing each other, readying themselves to fight. The passion and warmth of the kiss the two had shared just moments ago was completely forgotten. One wanted to win in order to prove her self-worth, and to make her parents proud, the other wanted to reject his father by winning with only his right side, both had good reasons, but only one could win. As the Voice hero Present Mic introduces the two, their classmates had to choose between who to cheer for. "Now for the fight you've all been waiting for! The shining beauty *and my personal favorite* Hoshi Shinso from Class A! Versus, The Half'n'Half Icy prince, Shoto Todoroki! Also from Class A!" The two glare at each other as they wait for Midnight's word. "Ready, and Start!"

The two race at each other, not bothering to pay attention to the massive crowd. The heterochromatic boy stomps on the ground, causing ice spikes to sprout from the concrete, one goes through Hoshi's foot but she merely melts the frozen spear and continues to run at the boy, "I thought I told you not to hold back." The boy simply grunts, not seeing the foot aimed at his head. As her foot collides with his skull, it knocks him to the ground. As he sends another ice wave at her, the purple haired girl springs into the air and jumps off the newly formed tower. Taking pieces of star matter she creates a sword, in one swift motion she cuts the tower down. "I can't lose." Present Mic turns to his friend, "Did you see that mummy man?! What the hell have you been teaching your class?!" The less enthusiastic of the two sighs, "I didn't teach my class any of these things, Hoshi specifically, is using her experience in self defence combat and applying it into a offensive situation, as you can see she is the one doing most of the attacking, and she is not using her quirk that much either." Hoshi smiles to herself, "Todoroki has been training with his father for years, but I have had to use combat in real life even before I started at UA." She keeps her eyes trained on the boy infront of her, "Just give up Hoshi. You're not going to beat me." The girl clenches her fists, "I have worked too hard to give up now Todoroki. But if you want, I can give you my medal." She runs at him, lunging into the air and landing on her hand, using the force to thrust her body forward kicking the dual haired boy in the chest knocking him back and landing swiftly on her feet. "Woah! Even without her quirk Hoshi can hold her own against the number 2 hero's son." Aizawa sighs, "Todoroki is good at fighting, but lacks the real life experience she has. She watched her father fight against Stain, I remember finding her next to his body trying to get him to wake up." Todoroki, now realizing that the girl infront of him wasn't going to hold back, now attacks her instead of the other way around. Stomping on the ground causing a heavy amount of icy spikes to protrude from the concrete. kicking her back, he knocks her into the spikes, one goes through her stomach, however she simply pushes herself of and attacks him with as much force as possible, not noticing the piece stuck in the wound. Blood soaks through the shirt and trickles past her lips, filling her mouth with the disgusting metallic liquor. "What was that English phrase? In the heat of the Battle, a person forgets himself? I think that phrase will explain this perfectly." She forms a ball of stars in her hands, throwing them onto the ground they explode into brilliant light, the force from the cold air and intense heat causes an explosion, knocking both back. Using the constellations the purple haired girl makes a net, stopping her from going past the line. "WOAH! WHERE DID THE EXPLOSION COME FROM?!" Present Mic asks, "The cold and condensed air, was met with intense heat and force, but I think the match might be over."

Midnight goes to check on the two, the girl was still in bounds, and the boy was just barely past the line. "Todoroki is out of bounds, Hoshi wins!" A loud ringing fills the girl's ears as her vision goes blurry, she blinks trying to remain conscious, Todoroki, who for the most part remained uninjured rushes over to the badly wounded girl. "Hoshi! Oh my God- I didn't even realize how badly you were hurt!" The girl looks at him, his lips move but she can't hear anything, she covers her ears trying to make the ringing stop, despite being asked to stay where they were Class A and a few of the students from Class B rush down to the girl.

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