Closing Ceremonies

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I want to thank you all for participating, it really means a lot to me ^^

 I want to thank all of the judges who had picked up more than they had to, I really do appreciate all your hard work, I alone host these awards and I want to try my best to make sure that every book that comes into the awards goes out with a score.

Next year, I will make the judging even easier but you'll have to wait until next year to find out what it is ^^

If you would like to see the completed judging rubric and review of your book, please PM me this form:

Book Name:
Will you be back next year?: (yes or no)

Some judges did not give a review so if your completed form did not come with one, I am very sorry, I really don't have an excuse, please accept my sincerest apologies.

Please PM this to me, if you comment here, I will ignore it, I'm just being honest.

To the winners:

I will work on the votes for your books but Wattpad can only allow so many votes in a day, you know? I did add all of your books to a reading list instead of a shout out because that would have taken even longer to do, especially now that Wattpad only has 3 announcements a day. Winners who would like a cover, you may contact me about it over PM, please also be aware that I can become very busy as I am still in school and have a job so all I ask is for your patience if you request a cover. 

I hope to see you all next year ^^ I hope you had fun ^^

Credits for the stickers go to SOPEWORLDZ , she has made some incredible stickers for you guys and she also made the ones from last year so please give her a round of applause! (No, she can't hear you but act like she can lol)

Thank you everyone ^^ I'm gonna be honest, I look forward to these awards every year because I love seeing the reactions you guys have, it makes me all smiley and it really makes my day to see all of you guys excited. 

I can't wait until next year but until then, this is Secret signing off ^^

The ARMY Awards 2020 [Closed]Where stories live. Discover now