7 - Afterward

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You stay with Lusaka as she dries out. Once she gets dry enough, she comes to.

"Oof... Oh! Eevee, there you are!" she says, sighing with relief. "I was sure London was going to kill me... I think he... well, I don't think he likes me too much..."

"I don't think he'll bother us again," you say. 

She carries you back to the fire, and you both huddle up next to it to dry out some more...

You wake up in the morning to the sound of a growling stomach. A moment later, you realise that its yours. Lusaka notices it too.

"Hm, someone's hungry?" she giggles, grinning at you. "I'll see if I can catch us something." She stands up and beckons for you to follow her, which you do. Having made sure the fire is out, she heads into the forest, making sure you stay near, although she isn't carrying you this time. She suddenly stops, and crouches, lowering her fluffy tail in front of you and twitching the tip a bit, encouraging you to do as she does. You crouch behind her, although your diminutive stature means your height has barely changed. You can't see what Lusaka is looking at, for the grass is too high and too thick, but you can hear something rustling gently. Lusaka suddenly springs forward, slamming her paws down on something, then bending her head and lifting it, revealing the freshly dead body of a Ratatta. She proudly brings it over and sets it down in front of you. She waits for you to finish as much as you'd like, then eats the rest. 

You both return to the now extinguished fire pit, and rest awhile. Then Lusaka looks down at you, and stands.

"Want to have a try at hunting?" she asks.


To give hunting a try, go to "19." If you'd rather not, go to "18."

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