Second Task

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Jack's P.O.V

“So, what you're saying it that the most evil wizard that has ever lived is coming out to get you."


“Pretty much."

Merida and I decided to break the news to the other two soon after getting on the practically empty train.

We all handled it pretty well.

For, you know, 10 seconds.

Hiccup and I tried to be men while the girls sat there panicking.

Yet, eventually, we got it together.

“Pitch won't come near Hogwarts." Hiccup reasoned. “After all, he does fear North."

“Plus, we have protection with our fellow students and teachers, right?" Merida said. But as soon as she said it, her voice caught. Hans. He was obviously a spy for Pitch Black. We needed to alert someone when we got to school. With that established, we spent the rest of the ride with blissful small talk.


The day after we got back I already started hearing about the second task. At first, I was very interested in what people knew about it. But, soon I realize no one knew that much. So I ended up just responding with “Yeah." or “Mmhmm." or “So I've heard".

But, almost 2 weeks later, something...interesting happened.

I was walking to my dorm on a Saturday, when Carrie came up to me. We made small chat for a bit, and just when I was wondering where she was going with this, she said: “Later, when no one's there, go to the prefect's bathroom with whomever you rescued."

I turned bright red. “Umm..."

Her eyes widen. “No! Not like that! Put a bathing suit on or something. Just, she has to tell you something...underwater."

Usually, I would peg this as a prank, or some weird way to get me and Merida together. But, Beauxbatons were taught from birth to do no such thing. So at that, I waved goodbye and went to tell Merida the news.


“Jack, if you want to date me, first, be up front and second, not in a bathtub!"

This was going as well as I feared.

“No! In a bathing suit!" I said, red faced.

“I know, I was kidding. I will meet you there at 4." She said.


I changed into a pair of white shorts and met Merida by the statue of the Hunchback of Notre Dame. She wore a yellow and green bikini. I tried to play it cool and try to look as un-creepy as I smiled at her.

“I never thought I'd see you of those." I said, my face heating up.

“Shut up, it's my only bathing suit." She said turning equally red. I looked at the statue.

“What's the password?" I asked.

“Lemon soap." She says, and at that, the doors open.

There are very few places more beautiful than that bathroom.

An enchanted skylight shone “sunlight" onto the whole scence. A huge pool of a bathtub covered the floor, but it was only 3 feet deep. Against one wall was a huge cabinet full of different fragrances, shampoos, soaps, oils, and creams. Above the cabinet was a huge picture of a mermaid and a pirate sitting on a beach. It moved like every other picture in the castle, but it was kind of embarrassing for those trying to bathe. Thankfully, they were too involved in themselves to notice.

Merida filled the pool with cool water. She beckoned me in. We both went under water and I waited. Then she opened her mouth and began to sing:
Cool, clear water.
Like an icy blast.
This is where you'll find your glass.
If you can, try to be fast.
Because your prize won't last.

We both came up and gasped for air.

“What did that mean? What glass?" I coughed.

“Look, Tooth put a charm on me so I would do that underwater, I don't know what it means."

I sighed and got out of the pool. I grabbed one of the towels that rested on a silver rack in the edge of the pool and tossed one to Merida. We dried off and went to our dorms.


The next morning, after breakfast, all the champions changed into our bathing suits and went to the Great Lake. In the middle of January. And I still had no way to breathe. Carrie had some potion that made her physically breathe water, and Luna ate some Gillyweed.

Just then, Merida ran up to me, bundled up in the cold. She held out her wand and uttered a muffled charm. Then, I felt a bubble enclose my nose and mouth. The bubble head charm. Then, without a word she gave me a light kiss and ran back to her seat. I waved at her and we begun the task.

Underwater felt like Arctic ice being refrozen. I was sure I had hypothermia 2 seconds in. But I continued through the murky water, trying to be fast.

After passing some beautiful mermaids, ugly grindylows, and the giant squid, I spotted three giant pedestals, each with a dot of colour on it. Carrie was speeding down to the bottom, chasing her pink colour speck. Luna had already grabbed hers. I sped to grab mine, when there's a scream from below.

Carrie is wrapped in dark strands of what appears to be ash. I pull out my wand and try to carefully curse it off her.

“Reducto!" I say, and bubbles come out. But it works and the vines are blasted back. I grip my glass shard in one hand and grab an unfortunately injured Carrie with the other and we swim up to the surface, where help awaits.
Hi, my friends!
Sorry for the short chapter.
And I'm soooo sorry my new chapters aren't very good, I have writer's block :,(
I should really think of a good nickname for you guys...
Peace, Love, and Orange Juice

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