Freezing fire

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Merida's p.o.v

"Jack, don't be stupid!" I laugh.

"Well, why not?" he says.

We're walking with our friends, Hiccup and Rapunzel( we call her Punzie) to watch the arrival of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. On any other year we would be too upset or disappointed to watch; but this is our last, 7th year of Hogwarts, the only year we can enter the triwizard tournament. Jack just asked if I thought he would jinx anyone if he were champion, and I said no.

" Because you stink at jinxes!" I laugh.

"Quit bickering, we're here!" Punzie says, running to the edge of the ramp that overlooks the lake. Half the school crowds around the railing. Everyone stares at the skyline until we go blind, when a small first year named Olaf shouts, "Look!"

A large blue object can be seen, blending with the clear day.

"It's a plane!" screams Punzie, ducking.

I let out a laugh, but one look from Hiccup shuts me up. He comforts a blushing Punzie just in time to see Cinderella, the headmaster step out in a silvery blue gown, her students in matching uniforms,onto the plush grounds. She gives a small smile to headmaster North and leads her girls somewhere in the castle.

I turn to Jack ,because he's been unusually quiet. He's frowning at something in the lake and I follow his gaze. I see a small...something that looks something like a sailboat.

"What is that?" Jack mumbles, echoing my thoughts exactly.

"I don't know, but that bloke will get eaten by the giant squid a the rate he's going."

That's when an enormous ship erupts from underneath.

Freezing fire: Jarida and Hiccunzel FanfictionKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat