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"This is about us" He says and i look at him with wide eyes quickly grabbing the notebook and reading it.

June 6th
I went to the shopping centre with Liam, Frank and Zenia. The burger smell made Franks's tummy gurgle but we did not have any money so Liam said "let's do the dive"

"He wrote about the dive!" Liam exclaims

"Sh sh let me carry on" I say as i place my hand over his lips.

First we looked in the bin and Zenia found some chips and then Liam said "Jackpot, nice one Zen" and Frank found a half eaten burger in a container and said "Sweet as". He did not say sweet as what. Liam pointed at a man who Zenia said "Looks well off" and Frank says "Yes, that one".

Frank then walked into the man and dropped the food we had found in the bin. This caused the man to give Frank some money to buy some new food. Liam also held out his hand for money resulting in the man giving us all some. Zenia gave him a threatening look which means the man gave her double.

After that we went to a burger place and bought lunch. The food was nice but Liam said "you mustn't tell anyone because if you do, we're dead meat".

Just as I had finished reading the events of June 6th, Gina walks through the door. We all scramble to our feet.

"What are you doing?" She asks.

Liam nervous laughs "psh just uh tiding Gus' room"

"What and reading his pro at notebooks whilst you were at it huh?'

"Oh you know just checking for maggots between the pages" I lie.

"Right, give them to me." Gina holds out her hand. Which we unhappily oblige. "Tidy Gus' room before he gets back!". And with that she leaves the room.

Liam leans on the dresser "We need those pages otherwise were in serious trouble"

"How" Frank asks.

"I think I might have an idea" I suggest "It involves glue, dirt and water guns"

"I think that'll get us into more trouble then if they just read the pages Zen" Liam says as he throws his arm over my shoulder.

After we've finished cleaning Gus' room, we go down to the office with the bin bags. Mike and Gina are sat in there, reading Gus' note books.

"Oh no put those in the bins outside!" Mike demands when he notices us.

"Do you want us to take the notebooks out as-well?" Liam asks.

"No!" They reply in unison.

Mike collects up the notebooks and places them in a fireman cabinet. " these notebooks should be locked away until Gus gets back".


We've come up with a plan to get a hold of Gus' notebooks. Frank is currently in the office telling Gina that her plant have be squashed in the garden and after Gina's left the office, Liam goes in a tell Mike that the toilets over flowing allowing time for me to sneak in and grab the notebooks and rip out the pages about our 'dive'.

𝐙𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐀 𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍 | The dumping ground (liam)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu