Chapter - 1 : Prolougue

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6 years ago, in the Nishizumi Mansion, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto...

Maho's POV

Both you and Miho were called by your mother to the Living room as she said she has something urgent and important to say.

Your thoughts: What does Mother have to say this time to call us while we were playing? More importantly, wasn't she supposed to be busy at this time of the month? I really can't think of any reason why she would call us now...

Miho: Neechan, what do you think is the reason why mom would call us now? We didn't do anything bad didn't we?

Maho: Honestly Miho, I don't know..But we'll find out once we arrive..

Miho then grabbed your hand and led you on you quickened you pace and just  smiled at Miho's playfulness. And without a moments notice, you've already arrived at living room.

Maho: We're here mother...

Shiho: Please come in...

Miho: Please excuse us...

You and your sister then entered the room. The room was quiet, and your mother can be seen sitting on a seiza position at the table drinking tea.

Shiho: Have a seat..

Both of you took a seat across her, she then proceeded to pour tea onto your cups.

Shiho: So...How are my two daughters doing?

Miho: We've been doing pretty well! Onee-chan has been teaching me all about tanks this whole time!

Your mother then turned towards you with a raised eyebrow.

Maho: Yes, it's true, I've also been teaching her other stuff at the tankery practice field.

Shiho: Is that so? It's good to hear both of you are doing well...Alright then, I'll cut to the chase...

You and Miho gave your mother your full attention. The room was very tense for some reason, though you don't know what she is going to say but you do know that it's going to be a big one.

Shiho: I know this may surprise you, and will have a huge impact in your but...Miho...Maho...Your mother is going to remarry....

When you heard this, you felt conflicted emotionally with a touch of confusion and shock... You had a hard time processing what she said.

Maho: M-mother, what was that again? I-I think I heared you wrong...

Shiho: You heared me correctly....I'm going to get remarried... 

Your thoughts: She's joking right? T-there's possibly no way she can do that...

You have a face of total disbelief from the news that your mother told you. Your biological father died in an accident 6 years ago. And you barely just got over it. And now you're given the news that you're getting a new dad, shocked you to the core.

Shiho: I realize that you guys not ready for this and both of you are entitled to your own opinions, so let's talk this out, alright?

The 3 of you talked hours back and fourth about this, with both you and Miho asking your mom different kids of questions, with your mom answering them as much as possible. While talking, you learned that your step-father is a wealthy business man around the same age as your Mother. And also has two kids, a Daughter a year older than you and a son  around the same age as you. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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