chapter 5 | love maze

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Weirdly, the next day, Changbin told you come back to the house. Your parents' house. You see them often but it didn't happen so that Changbin had to invite you. You were confused. Nevertheless, you got ready to go. You accidentally woke Yeonjun up on the way, dropping a bowl that you knocked over while getting some water. Yeonjun rubbed his eyes and walked over to you, giving you a surprising hug from the back.

"What are you doing?", You said, smiling. He mumbles something in return, turning you around and engulfing you once again. "And you're so happy in the morning because?"

"Who said I was happy? Where are you leaving off to?" He says, slurring some words from just waking up. You chuckle, stepping back.

"Parents. Changbin said they wanted to see me.", You said, placing your cup on the counter. "I have to go get dressed, Yeonjun.."

"And you have to go?" You gave him a little glare and nodded.

"Wanna pick out my outfit then?" You said, feeling a bit bad. It was probably an hour or something. Yeonjun smiled and nodded anyway, following you to your drawers. You were smart enough to have a complete separate drawer for your lingerie since you didn't feel comfortable to show him your clothes. He rummaged through your shirts and your bottoms, eventually finding something.


"I like it. Thanks.."

Quickly getting changed, you got ready to go.

"You want me to drive you there?" You were considering the offer but you were afraid it'd be about something serious and you didn't want to drag Yeonjun in it. You shook your head.

"I'm fine. Thanks though."

"Okay.." He slowly nodded, a little sad but let you go. You grabbed your car keys and headed out. It didn't take you too long since it was still in the same city and once you arrived, you opened the unlocked door.

"Mom? Dad?", You looked around until you found your parents sitting down on the couch in the living room. "Guys. What's going on?" You walked over to them and looked at them who looked a little shocked at something.

"Y/N.." Your mom spoke up. You slowly sat down in front of them, a little scared to know what's going on.

"Your aunt..." Oh god.. You start to tear up at the mention of her. Your dad takes your hand in his.

"She's okay? Right?" You said. It's happened too many times. The doctors say she's going to wake up and yet, nothing's changed.

"Her finger slightly moved today when we went to visit her.", Your eyes glistened, hoping. "But she went into a cardiac arrest after." To say your heart dropped is an understatement.


"But they saved her. She's really trying here. Okay? She's fine. For now. We just wanted to let you know." You nodded, relieved that nothing has changed. Nothing changing is good. It could be better but you'll take it. You let out a sigh and wiped off the tear that trailed down your cheek.

"Oh god.. It's been three years." You said, trying not to cry. Your mom immediately hugs you, knowing that you'd take the news the hardest. Ever since, you hadn't been the same. Of course, you weren't depressed but you didn't like telling people how you felt. You kept in your emotions well. That was why you were so surprised when you opened up to Yeonjun so fast.

"I know, sweetie.." She rubs your back as you took in a deep breath.

"She'll wake up. She's strong. You know that." You nodded before your mom stands up.

"I know that it's not really a good time but when is it really? Do you wanna stay for lunch? Changbin told me you don't have classes today." You nodded your head and smiled.

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