Chapter Twenty: Eighth Year, December

Start from the beginning

'It's not like they don't know they're dating.' Andromeda muttered in reply.

'We're taking things really slow.' Hermione said, still blushing.

'That's because my darling son-.' Narcissa began, but she was interrupted by the shouts and squeals of a small child coming from the other room.

The three women walked into the living room to find Teddy desperately grabbing at Draco out of pure excitement to see him. Hermione smiled, her heart warming at the sight of Draco bending down to scoop Teddy into his arms and the little boy wrapping his arms around Draco's neck as if his life depended on it.

Draco turned to see the three women watching him and scowled, removing the rarest of huge smiles from his face. He noticed that they all had the same look on their face without even realising.

'Women.' He muttered, turning his attention back to Teddy who was resting his head on Draco's shoulder.

Draco shifted Teddy's weight so that he could hold him with one arm and moved to the kitchen to put on a pot of tea for everyone. The women had entered into a discussion after he scowled at them and he didn't want to listen to them any longer after he heard the word 'grandchildren'.

Hermione excused herself from the conversation when Narcissa and Andromeda began talking about grandchildren and what it would be like to have more children running around the home. She knew Draco had made himself scarce at the topic also, and found him in the kitchen making tea the Muggle way. He still had Teddy in his arms and was talking softly to him as he waited for the kettle to boil.

'If you act like a softie this whole time, your mother is never going to stop talking about grandchildren.' Hermione remarked from the doorway.

Draco turned to face her and Teddy lifted his head at the new voice. As soon as he saw Hermione, he stretched out his little arms and squirmed away from Draco to try and get into her arms.

'I don't want you getting any ideas.' Draco grumbled as he handed Teddy over. As soon as Teddy was in Hermione's arms, his hair turned the same shade as hers and tightened into thick, unruly curls.

'How cute are you.' She cooed and ruffled his new hair, which make Teddy giggle.

'I thought you preferred the blonde hair.' Draco said, looking directly at Teddy with a disappointed look on his face.

In an instant Teddy's eyes turned the same shade of grey as Draco's. Hermione was startled at how much he looked like her and Draco now that he had taken on her hair and his eyes, and tried her hardest not to wonder if that's how their children would look.

A small cough from the doorway of the kitchen pulled Hermione and Draco's attention away from Teddy. Narcissa and Andromeda were smiling at the both of them, but when they noticed Teddy's new look, Narcissa almost burst into tears.

'Merlin, he looks like he could be yours.' Andromeda gasped. Hermione shifted uncomfortably, shooting a glance at Draco to see him studying Teddy with a neutral look on his face. That was when Teddy sneezed and his hair changed back to the pure white that matched Draco's, but still retained the unruly curls from before.

'Much better.' Draco said with a smirk as he used his wand to take the tea into the living room. Narcissa and Andromeda followed him, Hermione behind them whispering to Teddy that she preferred his hair before he sneezed.

'Granger, I hope you're not trying to convince him to change his hair back.' Draco said as he took a seat on one of the sofas and motioned for her to sit beside him.

'Not at all.' She replied quickly, taking a seat, but her blush gave her away. Draco smirked and gave her a knowing look.

Though it was now quite late in the day, the four adults talked for a couple of hours as they caught up with each other. In the beginning, the conversation was directed towards Hermione as the two other women asked her how she was doing as well as the occasional question about her childhood and life before Hogwarts, but as the night drew on Draco could tell she was becoming tired and drew the conversation away from her so that she could relax.

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