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Start from the beginning

He stayed a couple feet back to give me space and peared up at me through his long lashes.

For a split second he looked kind of beautiful standing there but I quickly catch myself and and get my thought back in order.

"Has your anger withdrawn itself from you yet?," he asks carefully.

A part of me wants to give him a sarcastic response and flip him off.

Although he's not exactly
responsible for my injuries he gets to share part of the blame since it kinda is his fault why I'm here.

However, the rational part of my hammers in the fact that he is our future king so I probably shouldn't disrespect him any further if I want to leave this palace with my head on my shoulders.

I already forcefully shoved him up a stone bench and yelled at him I don't need to cause any more damage.

It would be smart and beneficial to me and my family if I keep my attitude at bay until it's time for me to leave.

That way, I won't implicate them.

I swallow my pride and nod my head at him slowly.

He cracks a small smile of relief and hesitantly step closer before sitting on the bench next to me

He still keeps a small distance between us just in case I haven't fully settled down and looks at me.

"If it's all right with you, could you tell me what it is that has you this upset?," he ask.

I scoff and rest my chin on my palm while turning my head in the opposite direction from him.

"I literally was JUST dragged, manhandled , dropped, and left on the floor by some giant , overgrown, muscle bearing jerk and you expect me to be in a good mood?".

His stiffens up and waves his hand in denial. "No! Not at all! It's just seems that there seems to be more layers towards your anger. It couldn't possibly just be him hurting you that that caused you to be so agitated. There seems to be some underlying reasons as to why your this harsh ...especially towards me."

A sickeningly sweet smile spread across my face and I turn to face him.

" Well, that's because I don't want to be here," I say bluntly.

He blinks and confusion and rubs his ear. "I beg your pardon?"

I sigh.

"I. Don't. Want. To. Be. Here", I say slowly, making sure to put extra emphasis on each word as I do.

" I think this whole thing is stupid. You could've easily gone out to go meet somebody but you instead decided to round up 100 girls into some type of survival game to see who you like the best out of them," I spit .

He gives me a disapproving look. "I do agree that this whole thing seems a bit unnecessary, but couldn't you try to look at this through a more positive scope?.

My face contorts. " Are you trying to tell me that there is a positive aspect of this ?".

He nods his head confidently. "Yes there is, it is not a game," he huffs.

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