Chapter 2: Warm and Fluffy

Start from the beginning

Kyojin: Her mood swings can be scary... 

     Attached was a video of Kei telling Okaa-sama that I was off the plane and already heading there. The smile on her face was so big that it would probably hurt in the morning. She was talking so fast that I could barely understand her. I need to work on my Japanese I thought, I could make out she was really excited to see and hug her Musume after all these years. You could hear Kei laughing in the background. That's when she asked him how far away I was. Kei explained that he got the news about half an hour ago. Her smile dropped, and she stared daggers at her son, who was behind the camera. Next thing you know, Kei's Okaa-sama was chasing her son around with her slipper yelling "KEI TSUKISHIMA HOW DARE YOU NOT TELL ME SOONER?! I STILL HAVE THINGS TO PREPARE YOU BRAT!" I laughed at the ridiculous things that go on in that house. I texted Kei back. 



     I stretched as I got out of the car. "Freedom!" I exclaimed. Suddenly, Kei came jogging out the house, and he picked me up like Simba from Lion King, "She has arrived." he said in his usual monotone voice, but I could tell he was happy. I was giggling and trying to get out of his grasp until I heard, "KEI! Put the poor girl down!" I looked and saw his okaa-sama. Kei put me down and okaa-sama squeezed me in a bone-breaking hug. "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! You're really here! Look at you! You're so grown up and so beautiful!!! Oh, my heart could explode right now!" okaa-sama kept rambling on about how she missed me and that she'd give me everything she could. At this point it all hit me and I was crying. Kei rubbed my back and okaa-sama loosened her grip around me a little "Thank you" I choked on my words "Thank you so much" I didn't catch that I was speaking English, but none-the-less, they understood me. 

     We walked into the house; I took off my shoes and Kei handed me some F/C slippers. My smile grew even wider, and I hugged the Kyojin. He rubbed my back and said, "Yeah, yeah. I know, I'm amazing" I laughed at his ego and put on the slippers. "Sit at the table while me and Yuko-san talk a bit!" okaa-sama said to me and Kei. I followed Kei to the table, and the food was already there. Kei bowed and thanked for the food and started eating. He looked at me, and pointed at the mini grill in the middle of the table with his chopsticks, "Go on" he said "We know how much you like barbecue" I hesitated "Shouldn't we wait for okaa-sama?" I asked. He shook his head no "They'll be talking for a while, plus, she already set up our bowls, so she knew that." I looked at the table and he was right. Only he and I had bowls of rice and chopsticks. I smiled, put my hands together, and thanked for the food. 

     We laughed and talked while eating dinner. I told Kei more about my flight and how awful it was, and Kei told me about his volleyball team. How there were 2 first-years always fighting, a short libero that was always super loud, the ace who was a gentle giant, and so forth. "So, how's Yamaguchi-san?" I asked Kei, he looked at me confused "what?" I asked him.  "What did you just say?" I blinked, "How's Yamaguchi-san...?" I repeated myself. He burst out laughing. "What?! What did I do?!" at this point Kei was holding his stomach from laughing so hard "Oh my god, holy- You said that SO weirdly. Y/N-chan! Do you need help with your Japanese?!" he said. He wasn't laughing so hard anymore. I was so embarrassed, I looked away, "What do you expect, Kyojin! I've only had to speak English every day for 11 years!" he gave me a pouty face and giggled a bit "I'll help you, don't worry, you'll need to get back in the flow of Japanese first, English basically never," I nodded my head in agreement and nodded "I understand what you can say perfectly unless you talk super fast like okaa-sama, am I really THAT bad?" he thought about it and shrugged "No, you don't need that much help. Yeah, you need to work on your accent and I'm sure you've forgotten some things, the reason you can understand us is probably cause you watch all those J-Dramas CONSTANTLY, and no one can understand okaa-san when she speaks that fast, not even me," he explained. I sighed in defeat "You're right," I admitted "Of course I am," he said "And Yamaguchi is fine, he's excited to see you this weekend," that's when I remembered it was only Wednesday and Kei had school tomorrow, but I didn't mind, I like Okaa-sama. 

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