A: Can I help you? 

L: Why you be so blunt? 

A: (look from left to right)....I dont know what your saying (remove shoes) 

L: (fold arms) You just act like..you no care. 

A: (laugh lightly) Larry whatever do you mean? Do I care about you? 

L: .......I mean not really about me...its just.....I dont know. Imma just leave you alone. 

At that moment Angie's phone began to ring and she answered it. Larry briefly turned back around to be nosey and listen to the conversation. "Hello?....Hey man how are you!?...Oh gosh its been like forever right?...Yea I seen yo mama at church today she said you were resting because you have been on your game working like crazy haha!" Larry messed up his face a little. He was feeling a bit uneasy about her phone conversation. She smiled like she had never smiled before. Even during her visits at jail with him he still didnt make her smile like she was now. He knew it had to be a guy on the line. "Yea man we just gotta hook up some time I really miss you....Ooooh really? Oh...um well I guess we can do that I dont have any plans for this afternoon so yea that would be great...okay hun..alright bye see you tonight. Love ya bye. Larry didnt miss a beat as soon as she hung up. "Who was that?" "Oh its just a friend from back in the day. We dated in highschool and we have always been friends." She went in her drawer and picked up a picture of her and her friend together. She smiled but then quickly hid it from Larry who was sneaking up on her. 

L: Do you love him? 

A: LARRY! God really chill he is just a friend. And why are you so worried about it? 

L: Because! 

A: Because why! 

L: Because I Lo-..... 

Larry paused from what he was about to say while Angie looked at him with a weird expression. He slowly backed away from her.

A: Are you okay?

L: Yea...yea im cool or whatever...

A: Okay well im gonna leave Lilo here with you while I go to lunch with my friend I will be back in a little bit.

L: How long is a little bit (sits at edge of bed)

A: Um I dont know its 1 o'clock now so probally around 3 or 4.

L:........okay.....have fun.

Larry walked out from her sight with his head low not looking at her once since she told him she was leaving. It made her concerned about how he was acting. It wasnt out of the ordinary of him to raise his voice, but for him to suddenly get emotional on her like that, was weird. But she just ignored it because she was looking forward to seeing her highschool love. She went downstairs to the door and she stopped when she saw Larry slouched on the couch watching TV. He didnt really look as sad as he did disappointed. Angie just took a deep breath and walked out heading to the restaurant.

Later that Evening...  

A: Ahahaha!!! Keith you are a mess! Man You havent changed one bit. Im glad I miss that. 

K: Yea Im sure of that. I miss you too Angie. You were always that sweet girl in my life I could never give up. 

A: Awww Keith your making me blush! (touch face) 

K: Hahaha (checks phone) hmm oh great! They just arrived! 

A: Oh who just arrived? 

K: Oh thats what I wanted to tell you. I have two people I wanted you to meet. 

A: Oh great okay who are they? 

K: Oh they're here (waves hand) 

Angie sat there at the table anxious to see who it was that keith wanted her to meet. It created some butterflies in her stomach. She was hoping it was an old friend of his or a collegue or even an old college roomie. She figured that any friend of his was a friend of hers! At least now since they were starting to pick up where they left off. 

K: Angie this is Kristen Durham. My fiance!

A: Kris?

Kris: Angie? 

K: .......

 Angie had never rushed home so fast in her life. She was completely devestated at what happened at the restaurant. She couldnt believe her best friend is engaged to her highschool crush! It made her sick how close Kristen clung to his arm back there. It made her regret everything that she told Kristen about herself. All the truths and the deep dark secrets. It was a mess. Angela bum rushed into the house making a loud thud as she slammed the front door and screamed an angry scream into the air. "AAAAAAHHH!" Her sudden need to shout alarmed Larry who was in Lilo's room. He rushed out to see what happened. "Angie! You okay?" She said nothing to him she just stomped to her room with tears falling down her face like a waterfall. Larry swiftly shut Lilo's door and ran after Angie to her room.

L: Angie what is wrong with you? What happened?

A: (huffs and puffs) She....she.....she..UGH!!

L: Baby look just talk to me okay! Stop this what is wrong with you who is she!

A: Kristen. she....she took him....him away from...me...

L: She took who? Yo "friend" from you....huh? 

Angie couldnt even say anything because she knew that Larry knew who she was talking about. Here she was thinking that she was in love with Larry, then realizing he aint shit, then trying to go back to her highschool ex who is now soon to be married to her used to be called best friend...she was all over the place. She looked at Larry and all over the room trying to find her voice. Larry could read the pain in her face. He had remembered seeing his older sister's faces when they would be heartbroken from a breakup. They would cry and he wanted to beat up any loser who made that happen. Even though he was six. He just shook his head and looked at her, "Aw baby...come here." He told her. She didnt say anything and she didnt refuse him. She just walked into his arms as he held her tight. 

Mama, Im in love with a Criminal (les twins FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now