(Rayne's shoes)

I took one look in the mirror before I heard a knock at my door. I went and opened it to produce my father. He looked at me with a small smile. 

"You look beautiful my darling. I wanted to give you this gift. It was your grandmother's on my side." he spoke as he handed me a little black box. I opened it to see a beautiful snake bracelet. I put it on and it fit perfectly.

I hugged my dad as he escorted me to the main hall to meet Draco

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I hugged my dad as he escorted me to the main hall to meet Draco. He's been a bit more comfortable with Draco around me. I mean Draco has been keeping Cedric from messing with me. Once we reached the main hallway I saw how handsome Draco looked and I felt my heart skip a beat. He smiled at me with his gorgeous smile. He looked to my father before reaching out for me. My dad just shook his head with a small smirk. "Take care of her. She is all I've got." he stated. Draco nodded as he reached for my hand. "I couldn't dream of anything better." he whispered as I was in earshot of him. Draco escorted me to the ballroom and everything was absolutely beautiful.

"This ballroom is no compare to the beauty I see in you." he admitted as he looked deep into my eyes. I blushed and smiled graciously at him. He then asked me for a dance which I accepted. We went to the middle of the dance floor. The band began playing 'Roses Are Red' by Jon Caryl.

Draco took my hands in his and began to step and I followed. The way he danced captivated me. He moved like he was afraid to break me. He pulled me closer to him as we were dancing. I have never seen the side of Draco. My attention was soon caught when I realized everyone was staring at us. The professors, even my father, were looking at us with pride. Draco took one of his hands put it on my cheek. His touch was so gentle. I looked into his eyes and saw emotions I couldn't decipher what they were.  I then noticed him beginning to mouth the words as he spun me and stepped with me. He then picked me up and spun me letting me slowly drip down his body, careful not to hurt me or drop me. This boy made me feel things I never thought I would feel. My heart pounded with every sweet moment. My smile began to fade though when I noticed how some people were looking at us . Cedric with such hate and Pansy with disgust. I felt the tears coming to my eyes. Draco pulled me to look at him and shook his head no before mouthing "You're beautiful." It brought a smile to my face. I knew then that I loved this boy with all my heart.  We continued to dance until the music ended. 

"Come with me to the balcony. I have something to show you." he whispered. I nodded and took his hand to follow him out. Once we got out the glass doors Draco put his lips on mine with such desperation and passion. I kissed back feeling him relax as he leaned further into the kiss. We eventually pulled away. 

"Rayne, I knew I loved you since I first saw you. Will you please be my girlfriend?" He inquired. I smiled nodding my head as I jumped into his arms. We then heard cheers behind us. It was most of of Slytherin friends and the trio. The trio is what we called Hermione, Ron, and Harry. They treated Draco and I with kindness rather than assuming were mean and heartless. WE both smiled and laughed at there stupidity.

Three months has passed and Draco thought I should meet his family since he met mine. I was nervous to meet his parents because he said they aren't exactly inviting. I dressed in some of my street clothes so they can see the real me and know what they are getting. Draco loved see me in my street clothes.

Once we reached Malfoy manner, I realized how dark and lonely it felt

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Once we reached Malfoy manner, I realized how dark and lonely it felt. Its hard to believe a sweet boy like Draco grew up here. He knocked on the door before taking my hand again. A house elf answered the door and took our bags. I followed behind Draco shyly. We stood in the corridor until we both jumped from the sound of his father's voice. 

"Draco, you're home and you brought a friend I see." he sneered. I just watched as the man descended down the staircase to us. Draco looked just like his father. Mr. Malfoy stuck his hand out to me and I shook it politely. "Well hello my dear. My name is Lucius and you are?" he questioned more like interrogated. Draco sensed my uneasiness. 

"Her name is Rayne Snape." Draco replied for me. Lucius looked at his son displeased but let it go. Soon the tension was replaced with a warm feeling as Draco's mother entered the room. She introduced herself as Narcissa. We then sat down with them for dinner. I remained quiet just letting the family speak as they haven't seen there son in awhile. My silence was soon broken when Lucius spoke to me. "So Miss Snape, how long have you been with your father?" he inquired. 

"Just Rayne is fine sir. I have been with my father for the last year." I replied politely but monotone. Draco smiled because he knew I was nervous but I didn't want to show them that. Lucius raised an eyebrow and nodded. Dinner remained silent for the rest of the time. 

After dinner Narcissa lead Draco and I to Draco's room. I felt my cheeks heat up. I knew I would be staying with Draco but not in the same room. My poor father would have a heart attack. I entered the room with Draco and shut the door. Once the door shut, Draco laid a kiss upon my lips. I melted into his kiss before he pulled away. "I'm so proud of you Rayne." he beamed before hugging me. With how sweet and sexy he is. He makes me want to jump his bones, but I can't we haven't been together that long. Plus if he is serious about us waiting won't be a problem.

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