CH38 - Final Decisions

Start from the beginning

'Never forget who you are love.' The woman heard her kind-hearted mother's voice that was filled with so much love and warmth. 'No matter how things seem to change, don't let that change you. Make your own decisions and be the person you want to be, not the other one that everyone expects you to turn into.'

"I'm sorry mother. . ." Kata breathed out as she held the mask close to her heart. "I should have realized this sooner. . . But now. . . I will make things right. . ." She placed the green mask onto her face then the golden headpiece on top of her head. Now fully prepared, and her blade fans on her waist she walked up to the wall carpet that has been hanging there for years. She pushed it away, then pressed her hand onto one of the square bricks on the wall. Like a button, it sank in then soon a secret passage opened up in front of the woman. She grabbed her torch and stepped between the entrance and her room. However, she stopped her tracks and held a thoughtful expression under her face. She turned her head slightly, almost like she wanted to look back, but within a second, she shook her head, deciding against that small idea.

"No turning back." She murmured to herself. "It's now or never. . ." And with that, she walked inside her secret passage. The door closed behind her, but she just kept on walking. She will go outside and search for the last two members of that small team, just like Kata's father asked her to, but with a big chance of plans. . . and heart. . .


My eyes fluttered open as I finally got some air into my lungs. My vision was a bit blurry but I can still make out that figure who was in front of me with her hands glowing bright blue. I knew right from that it was the Little Detective wasting her energy on me.

"I don't-!" I said with a small raspy voice but I was cut off by her.

"Don't move." The black-haired girl sternly instructed and continued on working on my wounds. I wanted to comment something, but I decided against it and just shut my mouth. As my vision cleared up completely, I couldn't help but stare at the human girl in front of me. Her eyes so focused on my injury while I feel her energy weakening a little. The glow that her power causes illuminated her facial expression, I feel myself get drawn by the beauty it held. . . the worry and focused look. . . In other words. . . The emotions, other than that blankness and anger, that she so rarely express through her face. . . like the smiles she flashed me back from our last mission . . .

Now I noticed how rare those moments were. . . Then something hit me. . .

She was just like me. . . always look strong on the outside, masking all the emotions. . . but still. . . afraid that no one would accept her. . .

"Why?" I eventually asked. . . "Why waste your energy on me? We might need it to help the others and later on fight against those fools. . ." I reminded her, my voice like before, monotone with no emotion. I mean it's true, she should not waste her powers on some nonsense scratch like this. I never understand it. . .

She didn't reply right away. . . But she eventually gave an answer when the glowing on her hands stopped and the water dropped to the side.

"You're the strongest member of our group. . . my teammate and my partner. . ." The girl's reply shocked me. "Don't worry about me, you and the others are far more important than I am. . ." She placed her hand onto her knees while she bowed her head, making her now wet and messy black locks hide her eyes. "After all you said it yourself. . . . I am not that much of a help. . . Just some distraction who gets in the way. . ." Her voice trailed off and I can sense the pain in the tone. . . I feel my heart sinking into my stomach while my throat got tighter by guilt. . . Why do I feel this way. . . ? Am I really feeling guilt over this little something? I am actually starting to develop feelings toward this. . . girl. . . ?

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now