CH37- Difficulties and more conflicts

Start from the beginning

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" The older sister cried out angrily as she drew out her fans and pointed the tip of its sharp blade at Mara's neck who didn't even flinch. It's the other way around, she looked pleased with herself. "Let another dirty word leave those lips of yours and I swear I'll make sure you'll learn respect."

"Hmpf. Hit a sensitive core there, huh? " Mara taunted cockily as she simply pushed the blade away from her neck with two of her fingers. " Did I hurt your feelings? I'm even surprised that you even have such things in your possession." The statement made Kata let out a slight gasp.

"And here I thought you have much of a warrior spirit that I have. . ." The woman in the purple dress scoffed as her eyes were filled with disgust. "See you around, sister dear. Don't let father down like you always do. . ." Mara cheekily added as she finally walked away. Huffing in frustration Kata put her weapon away as her eyes were glaring daggers at Mara's back who just giggled in delight before turning to the corner and disappear. Kata took a deep breath to calm my nerves down before she began to make her way to the chamber, where that Ruby girl is being held. The woman opened the cell door with the key in my pocket then walked in to see the beaten-up girl whose body was pinned to the wall by the metal cuffs so she cannot bend. Zankoku also made sure that the air was hot and dry enough so Ruby can't get water out of it as well.

The girl with the almond skin opened up one of her eyes and her dark-brown orb soon found itself glaring at Kata's figure who held a stoic expression, but at the same time she can't help but feel. . . pity for the water-bender girl.

"What do you want?" Ruby demanded in a weak voice. Her throat all dried up and it felt like she had sandpaper instead of her tongue.

"Just to see if you're still alive." Kata coldly responded, even though it felt wrong for her part.

"Well, of course, I am. . ." Ruby's raspy voice snapped at Kata. "But it was all because of my mother, but no thanks to your emperor!" Venom dripped in every single word that came through her lips.

"Don't you dare be disrespectful to my father's name!" Kata barked at Ruby. Even though she didn't like how her father's treatment, she still holds respect towards him since she raised her and her sister after her mother's death.

"Do you even hear yourself. . . ?" Ruby croaked, continuing with her small protest and fight. "Or are you too blind to see the fact that your father. . . is a monster. . . who just wants to destroy the world. . . "

"He is not like that. . ." Kata replied, but this time in a softer tone. "He is fighting to create a new world, where we can create peace and harmony. . . " She said it while trying to hide the bitterness from her voice. She didn't like the method, but she can't do anything about it. . . However, she swore her loyalty to him. . .

"Really?" The water bender girl still went on as she shook her head slightly. "Creating harmony and peace by killing every living life, destroy everything, only to leave nothing behind?" As the more the Native-American girl thought about it, the tears began to build up in her eyes non-stop. "But wait, why would you care. . . ?" Ruby spat furiously. "You're the daughter of a cold-blooded maniac."

"Don't talk to him like that, or to me!" Kata snapped as her hand almost pulled out her signature fans. "I am nothing like him."

"Don't give me that crap!" Ruby shouted back, her emotions and traumatizing memories bubbling up to the surface." You're following him around, obey every order like a lapdog."

"You have no idea what you're talking about!" The woman replied harshly, earning a look od disbelief from Ruby while her blood began to boil up more.

" I don't?!" The water-bender girl cried out enraged. "How dare you! You have no idea what your crazy father's war had put me through! To me personally!" Ruby turned her head away as she bit hard onto her bottom lip, so her sobs wouldn't be heard, but unfortunately, her tears remained visible. "He took my home away from me. . . My father. . . and my mother. . . everyone from my family and friends. . .  they are all gone. . . " Her eyes began to burst into floods of tears onto, while they were shut tightly with her fists clenching, clutches almost turning almost white. Kata's heart softens up at the prisoner, feeling and understanding her pain completely. . .

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {OLDER VERSION}Where stories live. Discover now