Chapter 1 Background

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You have lived with your parents for your entire life in Texas you occasionally visit Tony and Ondre in California. You Tony and Ondre grew up with Taylor Holder as he has been all of your guy's best friends. You used to have a crush on him when you were younger but that never really happened because he was way too old for you. When Taylor moved to LA he invited Tony and Ondre to come with him, and they decided to leave and move to LA to pressure their dreams.

A few years later after Tony, Ondre, and Taylor leave Texas for LA your parents die in a really bad car accident. As soon as they both die you call to tell Tony and Ondre they book a flight but it doesn't arrive until tomorrow, so you call your boyfriend Zach and he lets you stay the night at his place. And when you get to his house you explain that your parents have just died and that Tony and Ondre are coming tomorrow to help sell the house because you tell him that you are moving to LA with them. You explain to him that you want a long-distance relationship to work but both of you are unsure at this moment. He cuddles with you as you slowly drift off to sleep. 

Once Tony and Ondre arrive all 3 of yall plan the funeral, once the funeral is over a few weeks past going through all of your parent's items. Tony has an idea to sell the house so that you can move out to LA with Tony and Ondre when they come back.After you, Tony, and Ondre sell the house and start packing to move to LA you realize that because you are going to be living in a new state and trying to get over the death of your parents you decide to break up with Zach because you fell like it will put too much pressure on you.

later that night 2 days before you move out to LA you go over to Zach's house for dinner and a movie as well as you spending the night. After dinner, you decide to watch both of yall's favorite movie the nightmare before Christmas, and after you guys decide to go to TEA2GO and you get a Caribbean with strawberry boba and Zach gets an under the sea with blueberry boba. Once you guys get back to his house and yall are scrolling through Instagram and TikTok you decide that you need to talk to him about breaking up.

you: K

him: Z

K: hey Zach can we talk?

Z: yeah babe what's up?

K: okay so you know how I'm leaving for LA in 2 days and how we said that we would make long-distance work

Z: yeah

K: well now I don't really feel like that would be the best for me, like I'm just saying like how it's going to be hard for me emotionally like moving to a new state and getting over the death of my parents and also like making new friends and how much pressure that's going to be I mean you know how hard had it for me making new friends any way I just don't feel like this is going to be a good idea of us dating and doing long-distance do you understand what I mean and my reasoning for everything? and could we still be friends as well?

Z: Kiara, of course, I understand I completely get it you just need time for yourself to get through this very hard time in your life but everything is going to be okay with us no matter what like if we are dating or not you will always be my best guys hug each other and then you fall asleep cuddling him.

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