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I followed Daryl and Carol up a stream.

"Hey Sweety" Carol says. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and walked with me.

"You see it?" Daryl asks.

"See what?" Carol asks.

Daryl points at these white flowers. "We'll find her". Which he ment by Sophia.

"Hey, I'm sorry about what happened this morning" Daryl says. I ignored their conversation and felt a peddle of the flower.

Carol did the same too.

"Why does it mean that we'll find her?" I asked. Daryl explains it to me about a sign for the Cherokee women and their chance to find their child.

How sweet...

We went back to the house to find everyone sitting at the porch.

Suddenly Shane walked to us with the gun bag.

"What's all this?" Daryl asks.

"With me man?" Shane asks while holding out a gun.

"Yeah" Daryl takes the gun then locks and loads it.

"Time to grow up" Shane says to us. "You already got yours?".

"Yeah" Andrea says. "Where's Dale?".

"He's on his way" he answers and gives T-dog his gun.

"Thought we couldn't carry?" T-dog asks.

"We can and we have to" Shane replied.

"How about you man?" Shane asks Glen. "You going to protect yours?".

Glen hesitated but toke the gun.

"Can you shoot?" Shane asks Maggie.

"Can you stop?" She says.

"Oh Shit" T-dog says. We all turn to see Rick carrying a walker by a restraint.

We all run to Rick.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Shane yells.

"Why do your people have guns?" Hershel asks.

"These things ain't sick, there not people. They're dead!" He yells. "They don't feel nothing".

"Shane-" Rick was cut off.

"Hershel, let me ask you something" Shane says while pulling out a gun. " Could a living person walk away from this?".

Suddenly he shoots the restraint walker in the chest.

"Stop it!" Rick yells.

He kept on shooting it while saying why is it still coming.

"Enough!" Rick yells.

"Yeah man your right ,that is enough" Shane says and shoots the walker right in the head.

The walker fell to the ground. Everyone went silent.

"Enough, risking our lives for a little girl who's gone! Living next to a barn full of walkers. Rick, it like what it was before" Shane yells. "If y'all wanna live, if you wanna survive, you gotta fight for it. I'm talking about fight ,right here, right now!"

Shane runs to the barn and starts to break the chains.

We all yelled for him to stop but he wouldn't. Shane beated on the door and backed away.

Walkers suddenly bursted out. We all started to fire. I shot my gun as well.

But then someone came out....Luke...

Sweety (Book 1),Angel (Book 2), Scarlett (Book 3)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora