The Perfect Dress

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The Yule Ball is right around the corner and (Your Name), Cho, and Luna all decided to go to Hogsmeade to look for dresses to wear in attendance.

Cho was asked by Cedric, something she hasn't stopped talking about since it happened.

"I was thinking yellow, you know because he's a Hufflepuff." She says as the girls walk through the streets looking for different shops.
"Just because that's his house color doesn't mean that's what you have to wear." (Your Name) says giggling.
"I know, but he is a champion. I have to look nice!" Cho Chang says sounds stressed.

"Look at me." (Your Name) says stopping in front of the stressing girl grabbing her shoulders. "We will find you a dress, and you will look perfect!" The girl says squeezing slightly.
"Okay, alright." Cho says taking a deep breath.

The three girls step into a small boutique on the end of the street. After hours of looking, in and out of different stores, neither Cho or (Your Name) has had any luck finding a dress.

"I'm so sorry Luna, I know you probably despise this right now. I really didn't think it was going to take this long." Cho says looking to the curly blonde haired girl.

"Oh, I don't mind. Even if I can not go to the ball myself I like getting out of the castle." Luna responds.

Luna being a year below the other two girls was not able to attend the ball unless asked by somebody able to attend.
(Your Name) had asked the girl to attend with her but Luna insisted that she "needed to go with the boy clouding her mind." As she put it. But Draco Malfoy would never ask somebody to the Yule Ball, and as far as everybody had assumed he was taking Pansy Parkinson.

"(Your Name)!" Cho Chang had squealed from across the store.

Looking towards the direction the excited voice came from (Your Name) saw Cho Chang holding up a dress.

Walking up to her she takes in view of the dress. "Go try it on. It looks so pretty!" The girl says happily.

When Cho walks out of the dressing room in the corner of the boutique Luna and (Your Name) are in awe.

A floor length, silver toned dress with a small floral design stretching throughout the fabric, and pink trimming with, a few different shades of pink, flowers on the top and bottom. It fit her culture perfectly as well with more of an Eastern Asian style to it.

"Well?" Cho Chang says looking at herself in the mirror. "What do you think?" She asks.
"Cho, it's perfect! You look amazing!" (Your Name) says putting her hand to her cheek.
"I have to agree, that dress dress is a perfect pick for you." Luna says softly.
"You really think so?" Cho asks questioning.
"Of course! We wouldn't lie to you! You look bloody amazing!" (Your Name) responds.
"Okay, then this is it. This is the dress I want to wear." Cho Chang says smiling brightly before turning back to the dressing room.

"I believe you need to find a dress still." Luna says turning to (Your Name).
"I'm just not finding the right one." She responds.
"You will." Luna answers.

Just as (Your Name) turns around a dress catches her eye. She walks over to the rack, lifts the dress up and carries it to a dressing room.

You walk out of the dressing room and the girls are stunned with amazement.

A black, floor length, off the shoulder, ball gown, with royal blue glittered mesh under the top layer of black see through fabric.

It was perfect, exactly what she had imagined in her head when she pictured herself going to the Yule Ball. It hugged her torso, fell off her shoulder, and laid to the floor perfectly.

"You look-"
"Oh my-"
"I know right!"
The girls exchanged half sentences, but knew exactly what the others were trying to say.

"You have to get that one." Cho Chang says.
"Okay. It's settled. This is it." (Your Name) responds walking back to the dressing room.

"I think Malfoy will think your are very beautiful in that dress." Luna whispers when (Your Name) walks out of the dressing room.

Stunned the girl doesn't know what to say.

"It is Draco that you've been thinking about lately right?" Luna asks.
"How'd you-"
"Well it's pretty obvious actually. He smiles when he sees you now. And your cheeks get red when you see him." Luna says.
"Luna, please don't say anything." The girl pleads.
"Oh, your secret is safe with me." Luna smiles.
"Thank you." (Your Name) says embracing Luna in a hug.

The girls step out of the boutique and ponder back down the busy street.

Stopping into Honeydukes before going back to the castle, the girls slump into the couch in the common room passing around their candy while talking about the events of the day.

"A great day indeed." Cho agrees to the statement whirling around a licorice wand.

The Rosier witch popped a fizzing whizbee into her mouth and laughed as she started to float just above the couch.

"Let me try one!" Cho laughs.
"Me as well please." Luna says.

The girls pop the candies into their mouths and laugh at the floating effect they give after eating them.

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