SCP- 006633

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SCP- 006633 aka Contra

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SCP- 006633 aka Contra.
Class: Euclid
Ability: During the day time she comes across as a humanoid entity who takes the form of a young teenager. At those hours the female is perfectly harmless and even tries her best to be helpful despite her constantly anxious attitude. However, after sunset her body morphs against her will into a shadowy, tangible wolf-like entity. This entity is extremely dangerous and attacks upon sight of any human being. Due to its shadow like appearance it can be devastatingly hard to spot in the dark. It has been, oddly enough, observed to get along with some other SCPs.
Containment procedures: SCP-006633 is to be contained in a fully lit room at all times. Light, especially concentrated light like that of a flashlight, weakens it hurts it. During the day she is allowed to roam with an escort.

 During the day she is allowed to roam with an escort

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