Chapter 6

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6 months later

I wake up to a sound coming from the bathroom. I jump out of bed to see what it might be. When I opened the door I saw Victoria leaning over the toilet bowl puking her guts out. I rush to her side and hold her hair back so it doesn't get in her face. I rub her back to comfort her. She lifts her head out of the bowl and I hand her the toilet paper. She wipes her face and smiles at me. "Thanks" "Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine, just morning sickness" "Maybe you should lay down?" "No no I'm fine" She says as she starts to stand up. "Victoria please?" I was worried about her. She has had morning sickness for the last few weeks few weeks, but it should have stopped by now. "Fine" She walked off to bed and I pulled the blankets up on her. "Stop babying me would ya?" She smiled as she spoke. "Okay okay, well II'm off to work, unless you need me to stay here, Hotch wouldn't mind?" "No, it's fine, go" "Alright, call me if you need anything" "Have a good day at work, love you" "Love you too!" I called from the living room halfway out the door. I arrive at work around the same time as everyone else. "How is baby Reid doing?" Callahan asks as I step out of the elevator. "Pretty good, I can't say the same for Victoria" Callahan gives me a reassuring smile "I'm sure she is tough a girl" I walk towards my desk and sit down. I look at the framed picture of my soon to be child. Garcia comes and stands behind me. "What a miracle" She makes me jump. I turn to face her. "Sorry" She says "Don't worry about it. I'm so nervous Penelope" "That's normal, your gonna be a dad with a little baby running around" Hearing her say that calmed me down a little. That's when I here me phone ring. I check the caller ID and its Victoria. "Hey hunny, are you okay?" I here silence on the other end of the line. "Victoria?" Then I finally hear her voice "Spencer, something is wrong" I can hear her moaning. "Hurry, please?" "Victoria just hang tight I'm coming, just breath and stay calm" "Okay alright AHH! SPENCER HURRY!" I rush out the door and into my car. "Okay Victoria I'm going to call an ambulance. "Okay" She sounds distressed. I dial 911 immediately. She can't be in labour already, she is only six months pregnant. I shouldn't have left her this morning, I should have listened to the feeling in my gut. I burst through the front door of my apartment. "Victoria!?" "In here!" She called from the bedroom. I ran in and found her on the floor holding her stomach. "Something is wrong" she could barely speak the words. "It's okay, I'm here now" I wipe the hair off her face and try and calm her until the ambulance arrives. "Just breath, you are going to be fine" She scrunched up her face and tightens her grip on my hand. She relaxes a little and looks up at me. Her eyes are filled with tears and she is covered in sweat. "This shouldn't be happening, it's too soon" "Just wait the doctors will be able to tell us exactly what is happening" I try to sound calm for her sake but truly on the inside I am going insane. I can't explain what is happening, I don't know if our baby or Victoria will make it. What if our baby is born premature? "AHH!" Victoria grunts biting her lip. "Where is the god dam ambulance I shout not directly to anyone" I look down on the floor and there is a small pile of blood starting. "Oh god" I quietly say under my breath. "W-what's happening?" Victoria asks trying to sit up. "It's nothing, stay laying down." Just then the paramedics rush in the room and lower the gurney. The carefully lift her on top and wheel her out of the room. I follow them out the door and to the ambulance. "Can I come?" I ask one of the paramedics "Yeah, get in" I jump in the back and hover over Victorias face. I wipe the sweat from her forehead. "Your going to be alright, I just need to you to keep your eyes open" "How far along is she?" one of the paramedics ask. "Six months" She looks up at me "Then we better pray" Just then my hands started shaking. What was going to happen to her? I grab Victorias hand and squeeze it, more for my own stabilization. "Is she going to be okay?" "We will do everything we possibly can" We arrive at the hospital and I step out first followed by Victoria on the gurney. They push her through the hospital doors. "You can't come in here sir, we will let you know if she needs to start pushing" "But she is my girlfri...." they didn't let me finish before they were gone through the doors. I sit in one of the chairs and call JJ. "Hey JJ, Victoria is in the hospital" she cut me off before I could finish my sentence "I'm on my way, would you like me to contact everyone else?" "Yeah that would be great, thanks, see you soon" There wasn't a bone in my body that wasn't scared out of its mind. Every part of me ached and moaned, needing to know what is happening. Not long after JJ storms in the hospital and tightly hugs me. She pulls away and stares me in the eye. "She will be fine" "What if she isn't, she is not supposed to go into labour for another 3 months?" JJ was speechless, she didn't know how to respond because I was right, she and/or the baby may not be alright. The rest of the team piled into the hospital waiting room just as the doctor rushes out. There is blood all over his white jacket. My jaw drops and I go numb all over. Even with everything I have seen in my life, this was horrific. "Dr. Reid? She is ready start pushing"

After it All (a Life Outside the BAU sequel)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα