Made to hope, Born unto Tragedy

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DISCALIMER: All works of the walking dead series belong to Robert Kirkman and respeced co-owners this is purely fan fiction and not stolen. This is the first chapter of a hopefully 10 part series, I have also posted this onto chapter does a a couple of uses of strong language but don't worry I will try to not use much strong language. This isn't my greatest chapter but don't worry chapter 2 picks it up a bit chapter 3 gets a lot better and then it will just keep on getting better, If you can pease please leave positive comments thanks :)

Made to hope, born unto tragedy

The night was dark, the fog settling in. rain lashing down on the roofs of old, torn down houses belonging to people I used to know, used to love, used to hate. I never much cared for anything in life, I guess it's true what they say you only value something when it's gone, well I can now say they were right. I just want my old life back no matter how boring, hard or hellish it was anything was better than this… hell.

It all started a couple of weeks ago I woke up In my dirty, dusty bedsit with a glass of warm beer next to me I had had a horrible headache from the night before, It was the last day of work until the holidays so I had arranged a get together with my mates, before I knew it I was pitch black and on the floor probably from all the drinking. I looked outside as I always did to see what the neighbours were doing, nothing this perplexed me more than normal they were usually watering their garden or walking the dog by now but just nothing, it just seemed unexplainably odd the street outside was deserted no signs of life were anywhere there were scraps of rubbish flying around in the wind the street had holes in it, a death-trap for cars. I turned towards the light and pressed the switch, nothing the power was out, normal for my apartment it was the cheapest unhygienic place on the street. Still, even then I could barely pay it with my half assed job, with my half assed education. I put on a coat and jeans and unbolted the door as I stepped out of my apartment I looked upstairs but still there was no one in site. I made my way towards the door of the apartments exit. That's when the real nightmare began….

Three men donning double barrel shotguns, pistols, hoodies and torn up jeans smashed open the door and screamed at me to put my head on the ground, for a moment I just stood there confused was I being robbed? They continued screaming at me to get down until the younger of the three called Danny by the other two made a stride towards me and hit me in the back of the head with the shotgun. CRASH as the gun slammed in to me I fell to the floor screaming blood pouring from the cut on the side of my head, the men stared to panic even more begging me to shut up this time I did as I was told. Danny shouted at the other two to scavenge the place, find any food or water that I had. They opened my fridge and started putting all my dried food and beer in to a box, more worried about my beer than safety I stood up and told them to back off, the man with a black shirt, long torn jeans with the name "johnny" sprawled across his hat moved towards me put his pistol to my head and whispered in my ear "look I'm gonna tell you something real quick I don't wanna kill you, so why don't you sit the FUCK DOWN AND DO WHAT WE FUCKING SAY OR I'LL GET DANNY OVER TO BLOW YOU FUCKING BRAINS OUT" I dropped to my knees before the man had any second thoughts about killing me. Once they were done with the fridge they moved over to my bed took the beer and walked to the door, they were halfway through the door when Danny said to the others "hey lads ain't we forgettin something over here?" To which Johnny replied "ah yeah he was bein so quiet I almost forgot about mamas boy was sitting right there and we can't be leavin any witnesses now can we boys?" danny moved over to me and put is pistol to my head the cold hard steel burning in to my skull. Johnny and the other guy went outside leaving Danny all to me "Don't you know what's happened out there boy? It's hell on earth, us stealing your stuff we have to do it to survive otherwise we'll starve like the rest" Danny started to walk towards the window and spoke incomprehensively my head was racing, was this it? Was this how I die? by the hands of some junkies looking for food? I stood up walked towards Danny "trust me what I'm gonna do to ya today, it's a kindness" he turned and swivelled his gun round to my head hitting me in the process I fell to the ground, blood streaming from my nose he fired a bullet at me but missed it, ricoched off towards the ceiling, he turned his gun to shoot again I dodged out of the way and brought myself to his face before he could fire at me again, I grabbed his gun with my hand and twisted it Danny started screaming as I turned the gun round to his head and edged my finger towards the trigger, I heard a scream from outside someone was running, in all the confusion Danny let go of the gun and tripped over my foot on to the floor, I heard a crack and more screaming blood was pouring from his hand which he had, somehow jammed through a nail on the floor. As he was crawling away I turned the gun towards his head. He turned his head towards me I could see tears were streaming across the 20 year olds face, I brought the gun closer to his face. He started sobbing, and begging for mercy as the steel made contact with his face, my fingers were itching towards the trigger closer closer, my head was throbbing, hurting more with every inch I moved closer to him… BANG I looked down but was surprised to see Danny still alive I think he was too that's when I realised I didn't fire that bullet, I ran outside to see Johnny on the ground looking as if he'd been mauled but there was no site of the other man, I looked in to the distance of the city but couldn't see anything I turned then looked again there were faint black dots on the horizon, they were getting bigger there were more of them by the second then I realised they weren't dots they were people walking, stumbling and groaning with blood pouring down their faces and remnants of their clothes, I ran back inside put the gun in my pocket scooped Danny up by the arms wenched him up on to my shoulders and ran….

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