Chapter 3

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Gaara's P.O.V.
  Naruto looked away, and gently pulled away from my arms. I frowned feeling a bit upset. Only Naruto could give me these emotions. I smile to myself. I suppose that isn't a bad thing though. Naruto starts to talk about something, but I was too busy fighting with myself to listen.
  "What do I mean by 'I want him to be mine'? Ug! This is confusing!". I suddenly see Shukaku wagging his giant tail, nust smirking at me.
  "Do my ears decieve me? You really want Naruto Uzumaki?". He finished his sentence with a laugh.
"Yes... I do want him". I pause for a brief moment. "But why, and in what way, do I want him?". I asked. Shukaku grinned evily before making his response.
  "Oh I have... a few ideas...". Shukaku laughed yet again. Truth be told, I had no idea what Shukaku was talking about. But he didn't say any more.
  "So let's go!". Naruto yelled, then he pulled on my hand. I could feel my cheeks warm up, hoping it wasn't visible.
  "W-what?". I muttered. Naruto looked kind of annoyed, but I suppose anyone would be annoyed.
  "I said we need to see Lady Hokage!". Naruto pouted. For some reason I had a urge to pinch his cheeks, but I held back. I nodded and looked in Kankuro's direction. He didn't look scared or threatened, but he did look very confused. I myself was also confused. Sure I care for Naruro, and I certainly do want him for something, but they are friends so... But I didn't like how close they were...
Naruto starts to move and I follow him. I turn back to see Kankuro walking towards a villager for directions.
  I smiled as we lost sight of him. Sure, usually that'd be a bad thing to say. But Kankuro can protect himself, besides it gives Naruto and I some time to chat.
  We were walking down the road, when a few villagers gave him and I a few nasty looks. I was used to the looks, but noticed how some of them were towards the knucklehead beside me. And, for some reason, it irritated me.
  "Don't mind them Gaara! They are just jealous that they aren't walking with you!". I had a feeling those words were lies, but I decided not to question it. These villagers are very annoying. Naruto has done so much, and yet they resent him.. I suppose my village is the same, but he and I are different.
  I look ahead at the smiling ninja. I avoided my people, hated everyone (even my own siblings, and I was very heartless aswell. Naruto.. He didn't let them get to them. He kept fighting even though his own village was, and kinda still is, against him.
  I frowned at this thought. It wasn't a mad frown, but a sad one.
  "Gaara! We're here!". I looked up at the building. I've been here before many times, but it was when Naruto was away.
  "Let me show you the place!". He said as we walked through the door. As I said, I've been to the tower before. But I found myself unable to say no to a tour from Naruto.


Still Gaara's P.O.V.
  The tour was over and we made our way up to the Lady Hokage's tower. It only took 5 minuets, but I found it enjoyable. I was about to knock on the door, when Naruto burst through it.
  "Old Lady! I'm here!". I saw her roll her eyes at the improper nickname.
  "Took you long enough, and I see you brought Gaara, how nice of you". I raised my (nonexistent) eyebrows at her.
  "Naruro said you asked him to escort me here". She quickly looked up at me.
  "No. Naruto was told to wait here, then he suddenly ran out for some ramen". She paused, then turned to look at Naruto. "Naruto? Care to comment?". I looked over to the blonde, and his face was close to the color of my hair. I was kind of concerned.
  He started to mumble answers, but he kept getting quiter as he was explaining. But I wasn't listening. I wasing trying to be rude by not listening, but I just kept losing my focus on hearing his words. I was more so happy that he had helped me, when he didn't need to.
  I agree. It is a very stupid reason to be extremely happy, he is my friend after all, but it did put a smile on my face.
  "Gaara?". Apparently they were done talking. I quickly hid my smile. I don't usually smile, and I don't wish for others to see it.
  "Anywho". The Hokage started, turning our attention to her. "Gaara is staying here for a few weeks for vacation". I actually gasped at this. "Gaara you are a young kazekage (A/n I think I spelled it right), and your sister has informed me that you need a break". I opened my mouth to argue, but she stopped me.
  "You are the youngest Kazekage in history Gaara, but you are still a teenager. And you should have some vatcation. Temari said she'll watch over the village". I did not like this. I trusted my sister with my life sure, but I was the Kazekage. I need to be there for my people! Suddenly a hair touched my shoulder, and it belonged to a ninja I know well.
  "Gaara it'll be okay! Temari will do good!". Suddenly I felt a bit more willing to go on this vatcation.
  "Gaara, where would you like to stay? We have open apartments near the mid-west part of the village, or the Shikamaru household would be willing to give you a room if you'd prefer it". I shook my head, neither of those options would do. She gave me a questioning look.
  "Alright... Where would you like to stay?". Too embarrassed to say it out loud, I pointed to Naruto. Naruto looked at me funny.
  "With him? You realize, Gaara, that he doesn't have the best of homes". I stared at her.
  "Why?". I was quite angered by this.
  "It was the home he was given, and it isn't suited for a Kazekage to live in". How bad are his living conditions? And if they are that bad, then why hasn't someone given him a better home?!
  "Fine, I'll move into a apartment in the mid-west". Lade Hokage started to speak, but I wasn't done. "With Naruto".

Hope you enjoyed! 1087 words!

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