Start from the beginning


Im currently sat in Tee's room trying to block out the screams coming from the corridor. Apparently Tracy had made a bunch of promises and kept none of them. One of them being helping Tee with her arts and crafts so i decided to step in a do it with her instead.

"Hey Tee don't be too upset about Tracy not keeping her promise, she's just trying to get used to the job that's all" I assure her.

"Oh i'm not that upset honestly because you're helping me now" She responded as she gave me a goofy smile.

After about an hour of working with Tee, Frank ran into the room.

"Zen! Liams coming back!" He shouts excitedly.

My heart beats faster. No way, Liams actually coming back again. I finally get to see my best friend all day every day. I ran downstairs to see Tracy finally arrive an hour late for her job.

"Is Liam actually coming back? I thought me taking the blame convinced his foster family to give him another chance?" I ask as I furrow my eyebrows at Mike.

"Yes well so did i" Mike responds.

"Tracy the tour starts upstairs" Gus states as he pulls Tracy up the stairs. She looks at me with pleading eyes.

"Trust me Tracy, there is no way out of the tour but as i have nothing better to did whilst waiting for Liam so i'll tag along" I laugh as i follow them upstairs.

"This is Tees room, Tee the girl is spelt with two e's but tea the drink is spelt with an ea" Gus elaborates.

"Hiya" Tracy says happily only for Tee to turn and glare at her clearly holding a grudge about her broken promise. "Oh i was going to help you with that" she remembers.

"Yeah, yesterday. Zen did it with me instead. I don't need you help" Tee replies in an angry voice.

"Sorry Tee, thanks Zen" she says looking at me with admiration. I just smile in return.

After Harry's room and Tracy's constant talking, we reach Sapphires room. Gus opened the door only for Saff to shout "Get out!" and throw something at you.

"If you open the door, she throws something at you. If you knock she tells you to go way" Knocking on the door Gus demonstrates. "The only exception for this is Zen, Sapphire let's Zen in her room".

When we get to Lily and Carmens room, Tracy states that she keeps her promises.

"No you don't" Me and Lily reply at the same time.

"Moving Carmens bed? Helping Tee? Sorry Tracy but you really don't" I add on over Gus' yells about us talking.

Tracy takes Gus' notebook out of his hands earning an wide eyed stare from me, Lily and Carmen. This was not going to end well. She proceeded to write 'Tracy promises to not talk on Gus' tour' causing him to rip it out and storm away.

I walk up to Tracy. "If there's one thing you should know about Gus, never touch his notebooks" and i follow after Gus.

I find him in his room looking at the ripped out page. "Hey Gus, i know you like things organised and wrote down but why don't you just try and believe that page never existed, erase it from you memories"

He slowly tilts his head up to me. "I'll try that Zenia, thanks" he smiles.

"No problem Gus"


"Liams here!" Mike shouts from downstairs. I sprint down there accidentally knocking Toby on the way only to find just Mike and Frank stood in the entrance.

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