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Joy stopped walking when out of the blue her surrounding started spinning around, she felt woozy. She was seeing everything in two as her vision blurred and started to lose its focus. She was getting drowsy, her heart rate slowing down and her body getting heavier by the minute. What's wrong with me? She knitted her brow as she tried to concentrate while looking for a spot to sit down and rest, she needs to get away from the pool area, it's dangerous if she falls. What was she even doing there in the first place? She was confused, her mind a jumble of thoughts – it was a mess. She remembers someone telling her that Sungjae was waiting there but the place was devoid of people, yet somehow, it felt like someone was watching her. It was weird and scary at the same time, sending chills down her spine, as panic and fear started to creep up on her. "I just need to safely get away from the water..." she calmed herself down but she was more surprised to hear her slurred voice. She didn't even drink alcohol and she was acting really unusual early in the morning... like a drunk person. She slowly dragged her feet and moved her legs as she tried to walk away from the area but she lost her footing and lost her balance. It felt like her heart stopped as everything happened in slow motion. Her body slammed into the water with a splash. "Someone... Anybody... HELP..." she mumbled in despair as she tried to win a fight against her body. She was losing her strength and can't even move her body at all as she sank deeper and deeper at the bottom of the pool. She struggled for a while, water choking her, before she succumbed to the overpowering pull of darkness as she lost her consciousness.


Eunwoo felt uneasy as he searched for Joy who was nowhere in sight. They shared a table and had breakfast together in the garden while waiting for Sungjae who, according to the note he left for Joy, went out for an early jog somewhere around the island. The fact that Sungjae was gone for more than two hours now bothered him. He excused himself for a minute to grab his phone which he left in his room and instructed Joy to wait for him. However, when he came back, a staff was already cleaning the vacant table they occupied saying that Joy went to the pool area with someone. Something was really off and a small voice at the back of his head started screaming at him that something was not right. He ran as fast as he could to the pool area but no one was there. He had this gut feeling urging him to closely check the water, his feet leading him towards the pool.

"JOY!" He screamed on top of his lungs at the sight of her at the bottom of the pool... unmoving. It felt like blood drained out of his body as he started trembling, his heart pounding hard against his chest as if it was yelling at him... SAVE HER!!!

He jumped into the water without thinking twice and pulled her out safely. "I hope I'm not too late. Wake up Joy." he chanted, his lips touching hers as he started performing CPR.

Unbeknown to Eunwoo, somewhere around the area, someone was watching and taking a photo of him while giving Joy rescue breaths. From the angle and shots taken, it was like they were sharing a steamy kiss after a dip in the pool. As people and medical staff started to gather around the two people who were the subject of the candid shots, the person who was taking the shots retreated and stealthily left the area while muttering, "It would have been perfect if that guy didn't come looking for her..."

On the other hand, a few minutes away from the vicinity where Joy was rescued, GOT7 team headed by Jackson finally found Sungjae in a bedroom on one of the cottages. He was unconscious, but thankfully unharmed. However, the guys were stunned when they found out that he was naked under the covers and duvet. "What the hell?" Jackson blurted out furiously as he covered Sungjae before they transported him for further assessment and management.

Joy and Sungjae were safely transferred to a high-security-facility which was well hidden from the prying eyes of other people and the island's guests. It is only accessible to BTOB and a few people they trust which include their security team and the RV members. Hani together with Jackson ran some tests and found Rohypnol in their blood samples. It is a type of a tranquilizer drug and it is most commonly known as the date-rape-drug.

In the meeting room of the security team, Minhyuk was crazily breaking everything he can get a hold on to. He smashed a chair into pieces on the floor and kicked books from the upturned cabinet. His hands tightened into fists as his chest rose and fell with rapid breaths, his body trembling with rage.

"Calm down, Huta. We'll catch the person eventually. Remember we need evidences for this case and the person whom we're dealing with is very sly. We need to be more cautious from now on." Seung-gi who was clenching his jaw tightly reminded Minhyuk. He too was frustrated and angry at what is happening and the turn of events.



Went out for a quick jog, be back in a while. Don't miss me too much.

He gently kissed Joy, who was still sleeping like a baby, on the forehead and left his note at the bedside table before he went out of the room. A smile was plastered on his face as he recalled what happened last night and how they ended up sharing the same room. He was in a good mood as he made a mental note to thank the RV members with an ice cream cake after the photoshoot for making Joy stay with him.

He was resting and catching his breath when he saw Luna approach him and offer him a bottle of cold water. He accepted it and thanked her as he drank its content to clench his thirst -- he felt refreshed.

Luna was a childhood friend. The first and last time he saw her, after her family moved to Europe, was during his sister's wedding in the island which was three years ago. He found out that she too was out for an early morning run around the island. They talked for a while before he decided to go back to have breakfast with Joy.

He was passing through rows of cottages that would soon be open to the public when he felt the road wobble... was it the road or was it him? His body suddenly felt sluggish and heavy as he dragged his feet, his pace slowing down. He massaged his temple and blinked his eyes a couple of times when he started seeing two of everything then his vision blurred. What's happening? He was just fine a few moments ago. He felt his body lose its strength. Someone caught him and prevented him from hitting his head on the ground. A whiff of strong perfume caught his attention -- it reminded him of something and someone -- but then he blacked out before he could even remember.

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