1~~Unnamed ~~Her

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In a little cottage near the swamp lived two little orphans, Alexis the eldest and Alex her little brother. Their parents had died due to an unknown accident and they both ran away from home fearing that they would be placed in an orphanage awaiting adoption. The little house they were living in was so small it could barely accomodate both children even though they themselves were small too. It had no electricity and very few pieces of furnature like a tiny wooden table for a nightstand, two small wooden stools and a little rectangular mirror that was found leaning by the side window. At noon Alexis had to go out into the woods to find thatch for them to sleep on and wood to make a small fire for warmth. They had no food but wild berries and apples that grew at a distance but it was often dangerous to get them because snakes were in the area. One afternoon after going out for thatch and wild berries Alexis fell really ill. It was the middle of the rainy season. It rained heavily but she had to find food for her little brother who was only three years old. He was very young but he understood their situation. He scolded his sister when she had a massive cough.
"Are you fwine Laxi? I will give apple."
Alexis looked at him and smiled as he took one of the red apples from the thatch basket and held it to her mouth. She was scared. Not because she knew that the rain was not the cause of her illness but because she felt the venom spreading across her body. She was only six years old but she could recall before her Mother's death, a story she once told her about the old hag that was bitten by the snake. She knew she had to go because there was no one there to give her any medical treatment. Afterall they were in the middle of the woods. As she felt her limbs starting to feel heavier and weaker she looked at her little brother and asked him
"Lex, if I went to visit Mom and Dad without you will you be mad at me?"
Alex not quite understanding what she was saying blinked and tilted his head. Then he said with a puzzled face
"But tyu said momy and dada awe gone. Laxi dont go."
He started to cry. Alexis, trying really hard to fight her tears and move her limbs finally moved a hand and passed two little fingers over his cheeks.
"Don't cry little one. I'll make a deal with you. I will go visit Mom and Dad and let them know that we are okay and then we will send for you okay? Don't worry I have picked and stored enough apples and wildberries to last you until you can go pick them for yourself. While I am not here take care of our little house for me alright? I will be watching..."
Alexis grew pale and then she finally let go. Alex not knowing what to do covered her with his favourite and the only blankie he took with him when they ran away. Then he put two small pink roses beside her head, kissed her cheeks and said a small goodnight. He then went over to the rectangular mirror and stared deeply at his reflection and he saw his parents and his sister looking back at him. He whimpered. Then whispered,
"Evwy one has left."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2020 ⏰

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