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Dear Taehyun,

This his the last time I will write in this diary,
I want you to know that I love you very much.
I don't have much time left,
But I cherish every moment with you.

I won't be keeping this diary with me,
But instead I will give this to you.
Keep it safe for me.
And always remember that,
I loved you, I will.

Pls don't cry,
I will be by your side and help you.
Be happy,
Don't stress yourself.
Don't forget me,
But try to move on.

I am here always by your side,
Think the right way and move on

Until we meet again, my love

Love you Taehyun!!


Beomgyu closed the diary and kept it in the table. He let his tears fall down one by one.

He knew he couldn't do anything, but he still need to be strong, strong for Taehyun, his friends and his family.

He knew much time were not left, so he tried to enjoy everything that he sees. It's painful to think that you will be leaving thousand of people behind you.

They will be crying, but you can't stop them or nor can you tell them that you are here, right beside them.

Beomgyu got up from his table and headed towards the door of his room. As soon as he opened the door he felt the same pain in his heart.

He couldn't speak, he was like out of breathe. Coughing out blood and he was panting. He wanted to call his mom but he can't even shout.

He saw a vase near and he pushed it so that it breaks and his mom would come.

What he expected had happened, his mom came running and panicked seeing her so on the floor, coughing blood.

She picked him up and ran to the hospital. The doctors rushed him to the emergency room.

His mother called all his friends except for Taehyun. After a few moment, later all were there, crying and panicking.

The doctors came and said, "He has less time left, he is okay now but pls make him feel loved for the rest of the time.

They headed towards the room were Beomgyu was, he was crying as he knew he didn't have much time left.

"Pls, don't tell Taehyun anything as long as I am alive. And mom give him the diary that I wrote for him"

They shared a enjoyable time, talking random. Beomgyu will cherish this moment too, and a lot.


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