Chapter 1

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Title: Aliens to Vampires and Everything in between

Author: Wereleopard

Rating: FRAO

Pairing: Jack/Ianto, Cordy/Angel

Spoilers: Ummm all of Torchwood and Angel

Summary: Ianto couldn't wait around and hope that Jack would leave The Doctor and come back to him. Why would he do that leave a time lord for a Welshman? He was saved in LA and was given a job. A receptionist? Oh and John Hart

Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Torchwood, or Angel.

N/B This is based at the start of season two of Torchwood and obviously after the Pylea episodes of Angel

Kate you rock and love ya babe


The Hyperion Hotel, LA

"Cordelia would you like a cup of coffee?" Ianto asked politely.

"I would love one." She grinned at him. Cordy had a little crush on the Welshman. Well, he was cute, looked great in a suit, polite and made the world's best coffee, ever. Who was she kidding the whole package, the accent it was just downright sexy.

Angel walked in and sighed to himself as he watched HIS seer ogle the younger man.

Ianto had been with them for a couple of months; they had found him because of one of Cordy's visions. He had needed a helping hand, Ianto looked so lost, so they offered him a place to stay and a job. Best thing they had ever done apart from everything, that is being perfectly organized, he managed to give them what they needed before they even knew it.

Cordy flirted non-stop but Ianto smiled and ignored it. Angel was confused by the young man he was hard to read men and women both chatted him up but nothing. He had very old eyes in such a young face.

Angel could not help but smile at how frustrated the young woman was getting. The smile fell quickly, if only he didn't have feelings for her, Ianto would be the perfect man.

Ianto walked out of the kitchen carrying a tray full of cups. Just then, as if timed, Gunn and Wesley grabbed their cups and thanked him. Walking over he gave Cordy's to her and then handed the blood to Angel. He took a sip and smiled. Perfect.

The vampire did not know what Ianto put into his blood but no one made it like him.

"Perfect as always Ianto." Angel smiled at him.

"Thank you sir." Ianto moved to behind the reception desk and placed the last two drinks down. He sat and started to work through the pile of paperwork that he had left himself to do.

Fred quickly ran into the office and crawled under the desk. Ianto took hold of a cup and handed it underneath, keeping hold of it until he felt tiny feminine hands touching his fingers.

For some unknown reason Fred felt comfortable around the quiet Welshman.

"So what's going on?" Gunn asking closing eyes as he savoured his drink.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2020 ⏰

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Aliens to Vampires and Everything Inbetween  Angel/Torchwood Jack/Ianto, Cordy/AWhere stories live. Discover now