Chapter 13: Wake up drunkard!

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*NSFW continues..  Mature content Warning. Please skip if you're under 18.. or if you have read this far then you should have been since this story is more XXX packed 😉😉.

The door to the porch closed with a bang. Xiaozhan fell to his knees and hugged Wangji's legs. They were both soaked. Wangji frantically dragged him to the bathroom and threw him on the tub then let the water run.

"Xiaozhan. Wake up look at me!"

Wangji pinched his nose a little.

"Boo... stop it!"

Reasoning with a drunkard was akin to teaching a monkey to sit still. This monkey would think that you wanted to play with him and would pay no regard to your words at all.

The water from the shower head splashed everywhere. Wangji felt like he was wrestling with a little kid.  He was a little tipsy but the absurdity of the situation was like a cold water splashed on his face. He had to stay sober no matter what.

Both their bodies were wet under the rush of the shower. Wangji still had his shorts on. Xiaozhan once again threw his lips over Wangji, forcefully kissing him. In his life, Wangji had never been attacked by anyone so persistently this way. If it were someone else, he could just push them away and leave them be. But Xiaozhan was someone that he was responsible for. It would be totally lying if he said he was not turned on at all. Despite being a guy, Xiaozhan in his undressed state was especially attractive in his eyes.

His mind blanked, and he did not know what to think at all. The most infuriating thing was not the knowledge that Xiaozhan was a guy he must never touch, nor the fact that he was extremely lewd and inviting. But the fact that he found himself wanting to respond to that kiss.

"Zhan... open your eyes and take a good look at me. Are you sure you want to do this?"

Wangji was afraid of what he might do.

Afraid of himself.

Xiaozhan's eyes was half open.. delirious. Xiaozhan looked thin so Wangji was surprised at his strength.

A noticeable splatter sounded and when Wangji looked down his face was white as sheet. His shorts had dropped to the floor and the guy in front of him was fondling with his erection with his hands.


He got hard.

How could he not?

He was a normal hot blooded male.

And which normal hot blooded male could withstand such stimulation?

Stop this Zhan...

Xiaozhan fell to the ground.

Ohh great.. he finally passed out?

Wangji turned off the shower.

A dreaded moment later, he felt his hardened member entering a warm cave. The unreasonable monkey had kneeled in front of him and brought his erection in his mouth. slurping and sucking sound ensued. A jolt of electricity spread through Wangji's body.  A newfound feeling that he had not felt in a long time came crashing like a storm rocking his body and making his heart shiver uncontrollably.

What kind of situation is this?

Wangji closed his eyes and bit his lips to prevent himself from releasing more embarassing sounds of pleasure. He was a straight man and would not fall for this! Yet his most private treasure was at the mercy of someone else's cajoling. Wangji was being teased and tormented by the warmth of his mouth, the sensual way he twirled his tongue around the tip of his bulge. His skin burned and tingled where the tongue touched. Wangji felt his hardened member responding to the treatment and steadily growing in size. He opened his eyes and caught Xiaozhan staring at him with his deep delirious gaze, as if watching him intently as he descend down into the gates of pleasure hell. He rolled his tongue slowly tracing the lines on the length of his p****s ending at the head. He stopped for a moment observing Wangji's quivering thighs, as well as a drop of pearl forming at the tip of the head. Xiaozhan's tongue licked and sucked the precum at the very tip pressing it between his lips. The slight pressure sent ripples of pleasure that made Wangji's knees weak.

Xiaozhan's face was flushed crimson, like the boiled crab dinner they had just hours ago. His slender fingers closing onto the hardened shaft while his tongue constantly licked back and forth, teasing him relentlessly. Xiaozhan put him in his mouth once more and his head began bobbing back and forth. Layers of conscience faded away.  They have gotten so far already, what difference does it make if he resist or cummed. That train of thought gnawed at him relentlessly probing his sanity. His hand subconsciously reached down at Xiaozhan's head.

He could feel Xiaozhan's soft wet hair on his palms and stroked it. Then he began to move his hand in accordance to his hips.. guiding Xiaozhan's head on the appropriate speed to his liking. Wangji felt that his hot member was crashing down Xiaozhan's throat, hitting the back of it. Xiaozhan's throat constricted, pressing the hardened member tightly, sending pleasurable sensations that made Wangji's mind blank. His movements gradually quickened. His breathing shortened. In the treshold of pleasure, the bridge of sane thoughts became foggy. What was clear was the raw primal desire craving for release. His body instintively succumbed.

Wangji pushed and pulled Xiaozhan's head mercilessly to catch the speed. When he was about to shoot out, Wangji pushed Xiaozhan's head and left his mouth. From the tips of his pistol, the thick white liquid shot all over Xiaozhan's face that was right in front of him. He had no time to turn away.  it felt like the load that had been pent up for many many days on his shoulders were instantly lifted. He let out a lengthy moan. He was gasping for breath, like after he had ran a marathon. After taking a deep breath, Wangji looked down at Xiaozhan who was staring at him, dazed, his face red and spots of milky translucent liquid dripped from his eyelashes. His lips curled into a smile as his tongue licked the fluid that fell to his lips. Wangji shuddered at the sight. He felt like giving himself a punch in the gut.

The evidence was loud and clear. Displayed in the most seductive and terrifying way- in the way Xiaozhan licked his love juice all over his face and the extremely seductive look Xiaozhan gave him.

Oh f**k

What had he done?

Wangji took the shower head and sprayed it on Xiaozhan's face, frantically cleaning off the evidence of his debauchery as soon as possible. Xiaozhan coughed at the water suddenly assaulting his senses, he could hardly breathe. When he was done, Wangji quickly wrapped Xiaozhan in a towel amidst his protests and dumped him onto the bed.

"Boo.. stop it.. I haven't cummed yet!"

"Doesn't matter if you dont you won't remember this anyway."

Wangji pushed away the hands that were latching onto his shoulders then in an act of desperation, he hit Xiaozhan at the back of his neck. He had learned abit of martial arts back then and knew the points im the body that would cause his opponent to faint.

Xiaozhan lay sprawled on the bed unconscious. Wangji's hand was trembling. Cold sweat permeated through his skin. His heartbeats erratic and messy.

Wangji sank on the soft bed, basking in the afterglow of what just happened. His knees were weak and the bed felt soft and comforting.

He glanced at the clock. It was two am. He was still sober. He wished he hadn't been. Then things would have been much easier.

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