c h a p t . 2

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'OMG OMI OMI JUST SAID WE'RE FRIENDS!' Atsumu mentally screeches while running to his apartment room. When dashing into his room while locking the door behind him, he dials his tough love brother, Osamu.
Calling 'The Least Favorite'
The person on the other side of the phone screams.
"I can't talk to my brother?" Said Atsumu, in a calm tone.

"I'm with Suna, can we hurry this talk up?"
"Oh! I'm sorry I didn't know you were with your boyfriend, but Sakusa said we were friends!"
"The germaphobe?"
Atsumu hums in a way you can phrase as a 'yes'.

"Okay, well I got to go, bye." And before the unnatural blonde can say anything else, the call ended. With a huff, Atsumu took a shower and got into bed, before you knew it, he was dozed off into another restful night.

The next morning, Atsumu got ready, and headed out to walk to practice. Before he hit the sidewalk, he spotted a familiar curly hair, scrolling through his phone.
As Atsumu walked up to him, he cleared his throat and spoke up.
"Omi-Kun? What are you doing?"

"Oh, hello Miya. I was waiting for you so we can walk to practice together."
Atsumu stood still, mentally screaming wit excitement. Finally, he smiled and started walking, with Sakusa trailing beside him.

"Why did you want to walk with me, Omi?" Asked Atsumu, clear confusion in his voice.
"Well, that's what friends do, right?" Said Sakusa, with a smirk no one could see because of his mask.
When the duo made it to the gym, Atsumu spotted the Gray/Black hair boy discussing a topic with the redhead, laughing their tails off.
"Hey guys." Said the blonde with a slight smirk on his face.
"Sakusa! Atsumu!" said the energetic tangerine, jumping hysterically.
"Hey you two!" said Bokuto, smiling like always.

After practice ended, the daily routine started, Sakusa got to the shower while Atsumu, Hinata, and Bokuto conversed, waiting for Sakusa to finish. Shortly the germaphobe was taking too long and the redhead and owl had to go, so they bid their goodbyes and went out for who knows what, while Atsumu stayed.

"Oh, you didn't have to wait, you know." Stated Sakusa
Atsumu was lost in thought though, for some reason he couldn't stop admiring the germaphobe, how his hair was much more curly when wet, and how soft his expression can be from under his mask.
After a couple of seconds, Sakusa started waving his hand in the blondes face, chanting his name to get his attention. When Atsumu snapped out of it, he apologized and offered to start heading home, which the curly haired accepted.

During the walk home, Atsumu was more quiet than usual, which meant Sakusa probably picked up on it quickly. The blonde couldn't get his head unwrapped from the thoughts he had earlier, why did he think those things?
Atsumu knows he wasn't straight, but he never thought he would catch feeling for the germaphobe. Did he like the germaphobe?

Before he knew it, they reached the apartment complex, pleading their goodbyes and heading off to where their rooms were. When Atsumu walked into his room and shut the door, his phone pinged, signaling someone texted him. Swiftly, he took his phone out of his pocket, revealing a number he never expected would text him.

From: Omi-Omi
Hey, Atsumu. Is something up? You didn't seem like yourself today.

oh hey omi. yeah i'm fine! sorry to worry you .

It's fine, talk to you later,

Atsumu sighed, running his fingers into his hair while staring into space. After some time, he drifted to sleep, calling it a night.

627 words
hi! I really hope you enjoyed <3

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