Chapter 3: Forgive Her, Forgive Me

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Luke's POV:

(Okay so I'mma do a different pov for this one since I have no idea how to show this without his view.)

The door slammed and thunder's heard. I have no idea what I did but it obviously upset her. How to fix it is the question. My lips pursed and my teeth grind. I'm only at the door for a moment before I turn around to find a small boy. "Are you a ghost?" Why does everybody ask that? "No."

"Well, that's too bad. If you're one of Julie's friend's she has work to do." He walks past me and opens the door. He must be her little brother. "Are you gonna go?" A rude little brother as all brothers are. Not that I have one or am one. "Actually... I was wondering if you knew Flynn?" With a brow quirked it only took a matter of minutes for me to get the information and for him to get some as well. I'm still not sure how he got me to give him my card info.

When one door closes another door opens. I wonder what happens when both doors open. "Just let me in! It's not her fault!"

"Oh yes, it is," the minute she opens the door she slams it back. "Flynn!" BAM BAM BAM!

"Come on, she won't talk to either of us." Though the door is silent I can tell she's still there. She just lost her best friend and the guy who split them up is pounding her door. "Julie's here." For a moment I turn around. I'm ready to leave when the door creaks. "Is she really?"


Though I lied she still opens the door for me. She takes a step onto the leveled porch, a brow raised. "So what do you want?" To play the Orphemom, but I doubt that's what she's asking. "I wanted to apologize." She shifts, letting her weight lay on her right. "I'm listening." Her posture stiffens then relaxes, I've gotten her attention but I don't have the words. For a second I silent while I try to come up with something but they just seem to fumble and scratch at my brain. All I'm able to say is, "She won't play."

"Well duh. Is that really all you're here for?" Her words make no sense but I'm sure mine make even less. "I mean, she's an amazing pianist and I've heard her sing. I had no idea you two were going to be there, I just met her like a week ago." This earns a stifled laugh and something tells me to keep going.

"I didn't expect her to turn down my offer, I only wanted to play with her."

"You really don't know her. Do you?" I shrug. What am I supposed to say to that? "I've only heard her sing. And a small conversation last week. That was a long time ago though." "Oh", is all she says. "I'll make sure to clear things up with her, just don't be mad at her." She gives me a smile and nod combo. I turn to leave only for her to call out to me. "Luke. Don't make her play again. Okay? It's a sensitive topic." Why? "Just don't bring it up. She's had enough loss. It's nice to see her gain something." This time I smile and am finally able to walk off. I really had no idea.

By the time I'm walking home the weather matches my mood. How could someone lose their music in a year? It had only been a year since she restored my music. It had only been a year since I heard her play. Did I have something to do with it? Did the gods exchange my music for hers? I look down in shame. The wind echos and no matter how much water splash down on me I still don't feel clean. If I had something to do with it then I need to get it back. A voice like that just doesn't go away. I smile and lookup. Right when the sun seems to be coming out, something attached itself to my face.

"Gross. What even...." A flyer. "Bobcats Student Talent Contest. The winner gets..." No way. "NO WAY!"

(Author: Hello! Hello! I hope you enjoy the tad cliff hanger and again I hope you're okay that it's in Luke's POV this chapter. Several more chapters are in his POV depending on if it's better for the story. I promise the story gets better, chapter 8 is really good in my opinion, I can't wait for you to see that title. I also can't wait for you to see tomorrow's chapter. But for now my lips are sealed. ☺️ Ps, thank you for all that comment, vote, read, and add my book. It means a lot.)

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