Chapter two

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James looked down at Regulus. He didn’t know why he followed him out of the hall. Even Sirius wasn’t worried about his brother. “He probably got tired of talking to Snivillus.” Still, James felt like something was wrong. He was surprised to see tears making their way down Regulus’ regal face. He had never seen the younger boy cry before. Then again, he never had a conversation with Regulus before either. “W-what do you want Potter?” “I wanted to see if you were okay.” Regulus’ bloodshot eyes narrowed. “Why do you care? Did my so-called brother put you up to this?” James shook his head. “I came on my own terms. I care because you seem upset, and since you normally don’t show much emotion, so I figured something was wrong.” Regulus snorted. “I’m surprised you got your head out of the clouds long enough to notice something was wrong with someone out of your friend group.” James knew that was supposed to sting, but he just smiled. “I have my moments. Now are you going to tell me what’s wrong, or are we just going to stand here some more?” Regulus sighed. James could see his resolve crumbling. “If you must know Potter, my parents sent me an owl. I am to receive the mark on Saturday.” James felt like someone stabbed him. “What? But you’re only sixteen?” Regulus stood up straight. “You think my parents care? They are eager to prove that their youngest son is not a disappointment.” James saw red. "Sirius is not a disappointment!" Regulus sighed. "I know that. Honestly Potter. You act as if I wanted any of this!" James softened. His head was spinning. "Wait. So you don't want to be a death eater?" Regulus scoffed. "Of course not!" James tilted his head. "Then what are you going to do?" Regulus threw his hands in the air. "I don't know!" He said exasperated. Regulus started to pace in front of James. James watched him, an amused smirk on his face. "Hey, I have an idea. Why don't you come and play truth or dare with us in the room of requirement? It'll help get your mind off of things." Regulus rolled his eyes. "Now why would I want to play a game with people I hardly know, plus a brother that doesn't care about me anymore?" James frowned. "Don't say that. Sirius cares about you a lot. He talks about you almost as much as he talks about Remus. And he talks about Remus all the time. Regulus snorted. "Why would he care about me? He left me. He has you to be his brother now." James detected a bitter note in Regulus' voice. James shook his head and smiled sadly. “He will always be your brother first. We’re playing truth or dare at 6:00 after dinner. I’ll be waiting for you outside of the library.” James walked away, heart pounding. He smiled to himself as he sat down across from Sirius. Sirius leaned across the table, grinning. “Where did you go Prongs?” James grinned back at him. “Nowhere.” He decided to keep it a secret for now. “But I have a surprise guest coming along for truth and dare tonight.” Remus raised an eyebrow. “Oh, and who would that be?” James smirked. “Well I can’t tell you Moony, or else it wouldn’t be a surprise!” Peter and Sirius laughed. Remus merely shook his head and smiled.

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