30 1 0

I left Tessa's room before noon, took a clean shirt in my car, and sat in my car.

Then the phone rang. Its Jace. I don't want to answer but I know he will keep ringing until.. huh

"What, what do you want Jace?" I snap

"Well, someone is in good mood today,

guess you didn't have her last night after all."

"What? How do you know about this?"

Well Steph joked something about free space she gave her last night, so I assumed that was your plan, you know that you'll get some alone time with her and shit"

Fucking Steph "Well you are wrong." I say with irritation

"So you didn't fuck her then?

Just admit that you can't do it and Zayn said he will be taking over if you chicken out."

"Fuck you, Jace, It's done anyway, now leave me alone."

"So you fucked her?"

"I just said that didn't I"

So prove it.

"Fuck I don't have to prove you or anybody anything. "I scream

Well how did you expect the bet works then, you either prove it or the bet is still running and maybe I give it a try too with your prude

"Fuck, don't talk about her that way, I warn you, you don't want to go that round I mean it" I warn him

"Wow dude, calm down, jeez Niall was right when he said you have become a little attached to this girl." He snorts

I growl behind my teeth

"So do you want to finish this bet or not? Find us some real proof and we can finish this"

I remembered the folium package that I had but in my back pocket before, because Tessa was paranoid to throw it in the bin in their room, so I just said I will throw it away after, along with those sheets. I was going to throw them away but...

I mean I m not a fan of showing anything to them, but if this is a way to finish this and show them that Tessa is only mine, then they will back off, wouldn't they? I would kill anyone who even thinks about touching her. She is mine only. No one else. Only I can make her scream with pleasure what I give her. Only I can touch every part of her and only I know what sound she makes when she's close to climax. There is no way that I let anyone close to her

"Fine, let's meet about an hour Frat house parking lot and bring Zayn"


I didn't let him finish,

I just want to get it over with, the sooner than better. Then I can be with Tess without that burden always on my shoulders. Fuck I hate myself for this. Well after this it will be over and we can move past this. And I will not do any more shit like this I said to myself.

I just have to make sure that Tessa would never found out about this.

She will be crushed, she would definitely leave me, I cannot let this happen. I have to get her out of this dorm soon as possible. And after that, it may not even matter. When we live together she will see how much I want to be with her and love her. I would never move in with a girl, fuck what am I saying I would never even let a girl touch my face nor sleep in the same bed as me. It's different with Tessa. I have to hold her even closer to me for now on.

When I arrived at the parking lot. Jace, Molly, and Louis were already there.

Smoking and laughing over something.

I park and get out of the car.

"Well well well, look who the cat dragged in, haven't seen you awhile." said Molly sarcastically

"Well I thought u chicken out and don't show up..." said Louis

"Why would I chicken out if I am the one who made this bet, remember?

Let's just get it over with, were is Zayn?" I ask him, I want that he sees that I won, then he leaves Tessa alone, there is no way he cares about her, he just wants to piss me off, I know him.

"I don't know, he said he is busy or some shit. Don't worry he will still give the money if we make sure everything is how you said it was." said Jace with a smirk in his face. I snort like I give a shit about the money I just don't want to deal with this any longer and I know Jace wouldn't just let go of it easily if I ignore it.

"Now will you mind show us the evidence?"

I grab the folium out of my pocket and show them the condom, covered with lil blood on the top of it.

" Jeez Harden that's cross, even for you." said Molly. And I but it back before anyone was able to really look at it.

"Oh nice man, I don't know if this is enough tho. U could have easily faked it.

"What?" I screamed

"I mean it's nice and all but do you have some naked pictures of her or something"

"What did you just said, say it again and I will make sure you wouldn't able to walk after this." I threaten him

"Dude, I didn't know you're that sensitive. What happened to you man?

That girl really has got inside your head."

"Fuck you Jace" I took a little break and continued "I have the sheets. "

"You have what, the sheets?" Asked Louise


"What's that prove?" Asked Jace

"It has blood on them, okay"

I push the back of my car open and show the sheets, not even fully took them out.

Showing the bloodstain and put them back.

" What the heck Harden!?" said Molly

"Omg is this her blood, you didn't kill her did you?" Said Jace in a sock and laughing the same time

"Are we done now?" and I close the back of my car

"Okay, okay dude, we believe you." Said Jace

"Wow you really did it didn't you?" said Louis

"I'm not going to repeat it again, so don't push it" I snap

"Okay man, we will tell Zayn and will do the transfer today." said Jace

"Okay, it's finished now right? and no one will not say anything about this to Tessa, Tessa could never find out about this. I said seriously

"Yeah man." said Jace, little socked of my reaction

"Why do u even care that much, wasn't it just another your conquests?"Molly asks

"Shut up Molly." I said

"No don't tell us that you actually started to care for that girl" she continued

"I need to go." I tell them and jump into the car and leave the parking spot as fast as I can

I put the music on, so loud that it hurt my ears.

Fuuuck, stupid I am stupid, I should have never shown anything to them.

What was I thinking?

Did I actually think that Zayn would back off when he founds out? No, he wouldn't.

Well, at least I made my promise like I said I would, so if I say I can break their bones if they say something I could easily do so.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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